Captain Venrik

> Captain Venrik


Who are you? What do you want?

I just wanted to talk.
Sure, you want to talk now. Until I let my guard down, at which point you’ll eat me alive!
I know your game, foul zombie! And it won’t work!

Nothing. I just wanted to see what’s behind the door.
Why, because you smelled my flesh? Or would that let everyone know you’re actually a rotting zombie!

All your gold, in a bag.
Ha! What does a zombie want with money? Be gone, foul monster! Back to Pilgrim’s Trench with the lot of you!

Good question. Does anyone really know what they want in life?
I do. I want all you horrible zombies out of this inn, and out of my life!


What makes you think I’m a zombie?
Because this island is full of them! How else do you explain the Orc standing at the counter?

Would you rather have her sit?
I would rather have her dead and buried at the bottom of Pilgrim’s Trench, where she belongs!
Shurzub was a fine sailor. The best. But she couldn’t have survived that wreck. No one could.
And yet somehow she dragged me to this island with nothing but her rotted off arm to paddle with!

Yes, it all makes sense now. You’re completely insane.
I’m the only sane person here, you fly-addled corpse.
Not like that “thing” pretending to be my crew mate!

There’s about fifty good reasons why she’s there. You, on the other hand…
I know how it looks. But she’s a zombie, plain and simple.

You’re right. I can’t explain it. It’s a mystery.
Exactly. I myself suspect sorcery, but I admit, I’m no expert in the dark arts.

What do you mean? What’s so strange about it?
It’s strange that she’s even standing at all.


If she’s a zombie, how do you explain her appearance?
I’ve thought about this long and hard, and there’s only one logical explanation.
Zombie body snatchers! There must be a city full of them, deep in Pilgrim’s Trench!
They capture ships, murder the crew, and then wear their flesh like robes! Dark sorcery indeed.

How did you come to this island?
We were capsized. Sinking to our doom. I held on to a board, but the cold was too much. So I closed my eyes and prayed to Kyne.
But instead of waking up in Sovngarde, I found myself here! A prisoner to a horde of flesh-eating monsters!
Just ask the farmer, Akshei. He’s seen the rot in the trees. Well, I’ve seen it too! In people!

Is there any way you’ll come out?
And have my brains eaten? Are you out of your mind?


Go away!

Leave me alone!

Keep your distance, corpse.

I had a nightmare. I woke up outside, with my brains half eaten. It seems not even my dreams are safe from you monsters.



Scene with Shurzub

Do you need anything, Captain? Food? Drink?

I need a great many things. But nothing from a bloodless harpy like you!

In that case, I’m sure someone will leave a plate by the door.


Hey Captain, one of the villagers left a book you might find interesting. Should I slip it under the door?

Hmph. Would I like something to read? Yes. From you? No.

Well, I’m sure one of the rats will slide it under anyway.