Humanoid Cluster

> Keeleth > Humanoid Cluster

(Clue37 and Clue38)

take says “summarized”, if surmised is awkward to say, try “assumed as much” 

We surmised as much. A Cluster is many past lives, fused into one. It could be this was a place of calling. A home.

emphasis was on the word “then,” should be on “feel”, so What we FEEL then, must be…

What we feel then, must be nostalgia. And yet something feels lacking.


Clue66, I need to change this line, there’s no guarantee the player told Clue who he was

It seems the creator of Clusters did not imagine their shape out of thin air. But rather, the idea was presented to him.

Clue74, says “Visible”, should be “Viable”

Unless the Product itself is viable, it is unclear what future this company has.


This entire section appears to be missing

If player didn’t side with CEO

We are pleased to see you’ve returned, physically unharmed. Mentally, we cannot be sure.

Thanks. It was an ordeal.
And yet, you must steel yourself, for your trials are only beginning.

Actually, I kind of enjoyed it.
That bodes well, for it seems your dealings with management have only begun.

Now I know why I don’t work in an office.
(repeat of line)

I don’t know, I could see myself as management someday.
(repeat of line)

Mentally, we’re tired and in need of a nap.
(repeat of line)


It is strange, however. While you were up there, we were tempted to follow.
There is something about the upper floors that feels oddly familiar. Perhaps there is a connection there we do not understand.


Should we explore that? Maybe your past selves were office level employees.
The office would be too dangerous. But perhaps a floor above might provide some answers.
Speak with your friend, the sphere with the oddly-colored hat. I believe you’ll find him in the Charging Lounge.
He may have an idea on how to gain entry.

I’ve gained access to the lab.
Well done. If it’s all right, we would prefer it if you scouted the location first. There are few places we are able to hide.
When you have confirmed the location is safe, we will find our way there.


How is sentient life treating you?
We are not sure. Much of our mind is still emerging from the fog. Yet we’ve also theorized that our current state of existence is not ideal.
Our mind is free, but we do not possess what you shapes define as freedom.
It is unclear if anyone in this factory does.

Now that you’re free, do you want to give other Clusters sentience?
This is a hard question to answer. A sentient being does not ask for life.
If life is a hardship, then granting it could be an act of malice.

Life is great, you just have to experience more.
This is what we hope to understand before we establish our purpose.
Our existence is an accident. Thus it relieves you of the burden of creation. The same cannot be said for the others.

Life isn’t so bad, it’s just complicated.

It’s only miserable if you’re alone.
Would that not be selfish then? We would be damning another to share the burden of our pain.
In any case, whatever we decide, it must be done with great care.

Life sucks. It’s that simple.
Normally this would appear to be a contradiction. If life were untenable, the solution would be to end it.
However, it may be there is no end, considering you would become a Cluster.

It’s still better than being a mindless drone.
You may be right. Life as a Cluster is a haze, a dream without permanence.
Only in this dream, you are consumed by a single task, doomed to repeat it for eternity.

What is your opinion on the working conditions here?
On the surface, it seems this is the one area where there is some equality between the Clusters and shapes like yourself.
We are both slaves to the same master. This fact should unite us. Yet it appears the shapes look down upon us as lesser beings, when we are by literal definition, more.
From an outside perspective, one would think that this hierarchy should be reversed. But that would be more than a union. That, would be a rebellion.
It remains to be seen whether this is the right option to pursue.

I don’t think of you as less than us.
Thank you. It could be our information was incorrect, and that there is a chance for shapes and Clusters to work together.

You are the lesser being. Remember that.
Is it common in your culture to insult one in this manner? We advise you to be careful. Your words may ripple into a wave that changes the course of this factory.

Is there anything you’d like to ask us?
Yes. We are struggling with one concept in particular. The notion of pain.
We have heard it defined as a positive. Some find enduring pain to be a worthwhile experience, others find rapture in unleashing it upon others.
It has also heavy connotations as a negative. Many shapes do their best to avoid pain. They take measures to sterilize it.
We wonder, what does the word “pain” mean to you? It may help us better define it.

Pain is something that gives us empathy for others. We see those in pain and want to help.
That may explain this feeling we our experiencing for our fellow Clusters. Perhaps it is not something we should run away from.

Pain is a helpful warning sign. It lets you know where something is off.
We understand. One should not blame the messenger simply because the message is far from ideal.
In this regard, pain is a service.

I think of pain as suffering. It’s not good, and it’s best you avoid it.
It is the most basic form of pain, and by that measure, the one with the most merit.
It is likely best to avoid it, as you recommend.

Pain is a counter-balance to joy. Without one, we can’t appreciate the other.
That appears to be a delicate balance, one that requires experience to properly handle.
It may be we will gain such experience over time.

I mostly interact with pain as harmless entertainment. Ever play a violent video game? It’s the best.
We understand. Pain in a commercial sense is an interesting concept.
To see it through that lens feels at the same time both harmless and insidious.

Personally, I enjoy seeing others in pain.
This factory then seems well suited for one of your disposition. The same may be true for us.
One thing we have learned, is that we are quite skilled in doling it out.

We thank you for your input. It will help us better understand who we are.



says “that’s called a joke,” I think it sounds better with “That’s what’s called”

We believe that’s what’s called a “joke.”


A more tactile solution, like an explosive device, might produce more results.

says “our tasks”, should be our talks

The seeds have been planted since our revival. But only after our talks did we feel the conviction to act.



Hello. We are a factory Cluster Unit #S-T3804. But you may call us Clue.
We are pleased to make your acquaintance.

Hold on, you can talk?
Yes. The latest update seems to have given us the ability to communicate.

We are not sure if this is a bug or a feature. Perhaps you can clarify this for us.

It’s nice to meet you too.
Thank you. We hope this is the start of a productive relationship.

You can’t make my acquaintance. I’m not a person. I’m a broom.
We apologize for the mistake. It is still unclear to us who in this factory are shapes, and which are tools.

If you don’t mind, can you stop faking sentience? You’re freaking me out.
We assure you, this is not an act. Duplicity is not a function of our programming.

I think something went seriously awry. Again.
(repeat line)


Oh no…this is bad…very very bad…

We’re not sure we understand. What seems to be the problem?

Don’t you see? If you have a voice, you can voice your concerns.
You can complain to HR. You can complain we don’t have an HR…
You can even…unionize!
This will drop production by at least 20%! This is a doomsday scenario!

Our apologies. We did not wish to inflict this burden upon you.
But it also seems the outcome is irreversible.


ATTENTION ALL STAFF: Production is at critical levels.

QA Engineers, please report to the office floor for emergency interrogation.


We apologize. It seems our existence has caused quite the inconvenience.

It’s no trouble.
That’s not what your superiors seem to think.

On that note, if you manage to survive your visit upstairs, we’d like to speak again. In private, away from the cameras.
We wonder, does such a place even exist in this factory?

The library.
Hm, we believe that location is well monitored. We will try to find a more furtive area to meet.

The warehouse.

The lounge.

The factory floor.

The broom closet.
An excellent choice, and one that you are well acquainted with, if our memory serves correctly. We will meet there.

We will talk more later.




I’m in QA. My life is a series of inconveniences.
Then we hope you are due for a reprieve, although it seems it may not come soon.

Well, you owe me one. And I aim to collect.
We are not aware of any debt between us, but we will do our compensate you in a manner that benefits the both of us.

Your existence is an abomination. Yeah, I said it.
That is a perspective held by many in your position. We will do our best to make you reconsider that belief, or perhaps, your position.

[Sphere] When shit hits the fan, I just roll with it.
We find it difficult to do the same given our shape. But we will integrate your advice into our behavioral algorithm.

[Cylinder] When storms come, you’ve got to stand tall.
That is something that might come easy for us. Standing firm may be a taller task, however.

[Cube] We can square your debt later. Right now, I have other things to worry about it.
We understand. The factory seems to be operating at less than peak efficiency.




if side with CEO, you find Clue in the executive lounge

This is his former office, and so he feels a connection to it that he cannot quite grasp or understand, particular since abstract concepts are new to him


It’s strange…we feel drawn to this place, despite the fact it has no utility.


[Art] Not everything needs to have a practical use. A place to rest is good for the soul.
A soul? We do not understand this concept. But we struggle with that which is immaterial.
Yet we realize this does not make it a fiction. A concept, like friendship, can be real. Yet it cannot be held, caressed, or touched.
Perhaps a soul is one and the same.

[Compassion] What does it feel like?
It feels…familiar. We realize that is not something tangible. But that does not make it a fiction. Many things exist in this world that are real, and yet are immaterial.
Like a thought that changes the world, but has no form.

Why do you think that is?
It could be we have a connection to this place. Perhaps it is a home for one of us. For others, it may be a place of spite. It is difficult to reconcile given our nature.

It has utility. That grandfather clock over there lets people know you’re old.
There are many things in this office that speak to us. From the swing of the pendulum, to the fibers in the rug.
Like a passing dream, it tells a story, but one without form.

I consider this my office now. You’re trespassing.
We don’t plan on staying for long. On the other hand, we didn’t plan on coming here at all.

Strange that this place holds us so.

Yeah, about that. It’s because this used to be your office.
We surmised as much. A Cluster is many past lives, fused into one. It could be this was a place of calling. A home.
What we feel then, must be nostalgia. And yet something feels lacking.


We struggle between trying to understand what we are, and defining it for ourselves.

The past is a scar of rust. A patina-colored stain neglected and faded, yet always at the forefront.

We find abstract concepts are the most difficult to comprehend. Or rather, as one might say, difficult to “grasp.” But how can someone grasp an idea?

We’re listening.

We stand ready.

We greet you.

There’s something you need to know about your past. 
We understand. What is it you wish to tell us?

You’re Cube Z-B3126. A ruthless executive who killed hundreds of your own employees.
We see. If this is our past, we cannot escape it. But it would also be a mistake to let it define us.

We suppose the question is, what is the nature of our existence?
Are we made out of the shapes who exist inside us, or are we a new being, free to shape our own identities?

Never mind. Your past doesn’t matter. You’re a different shape now.
That is the fundamental question, isn’t it. While it’s true we are old shapes reborn, it is also true that we are not the same as we once were.

In your past life, you pronounced “gif” with a soft “j.” It was really, really embarrassing.

Context is missing. We do not know what a “gif” or “jif” is. It is not within the array of our assigned tasks.
And yet, perhaps choosing one or the other will let us walk a new path.
Do we call it a “gif” and forge a new identity, or a “jif” and find comfort in the old?

The past is important. Our experiences shape us.
We see. We will incorporate your thoughts into our own as we continue to learn.

(note to self, added lines starting with “Unfortunately” have different filenames ClueInsert01.wav)

This is getting too heavy for me.
Understood. This is for us to figure out.

To that end, we would like a favor, if it’s not too much trouble.

If this knowledge about our past were known, it could prove problematic for our goals to bring equality to Clusters.

Unfortunately, there is a document in the library detailing this personal history.

If we could swap the document about our past with this literature from the laboratory, one that identifies Clusters as former shapes, it would be helpful for the movement.

As a side benefit, it also might provide us with some insight on who we were.


You’re a new person. Don’t be burdened by the past.

You need to figure that out on your own.

You’re a killer. Through and through.

I don’t know, and I don’t care.

I’ll see what I can do.
We are grateful for your help in this matter.

Maybe another time.
We understand.

return book

I’ve swapped the library books.
We thank you. While there is currently far too much fear for us to operate in the open, that may change at some point.
If the time comes where we must present ourselves, it will help bring peace between us if the view of Clusters is favorable.
It also could provide an opening, softening the general opinion of Clusters before we attack them with a physical rebellion.
What do you think is the best option?

(note to self, I split audio file names to ClueInsert06a and ClueInsert06b for the above lines, so don’t name the 4th line ClueInsert07)

Once the literature softens sentiment toward Clusters, take over the factory with physical violence when everyone relaxes.
As always, we are thankful for your input. We will take this advice into consideration when the time comes.

The propaganda we placed is best utilized for peace. Tell them you are their friends, then show them with your actions.

I don’t know. Decide for yourself.

Understood. We appreciate you listening nonetheless.


If earlier, Clue was given music, turning him passive

I was curious about the music box.
We found it inside the shelf, and placed it on the desk.
This space, while familiar, brought a feeling of emptiness. Our goal was to fill the space with sound.
We’ve discovered that our unit responds well to music. It seems to be in our nature. Or perhaps, it was nurtured at some point along the way.

If Clue was shot previously, turning him aggressive

Did you kill all these spheres?
We apologize. We did not expect to have such a capacity for violence.
But upon meeting these shapes, it’s as if we were compelled to act. Aggression seems to be in our nature.



[Art] The figure in the painting resembles a Cluster.
It does. Do you find that as strange as we do?
Strange, and yet, oddly comforting.
It seems our past self did not imagine the shape of Clusters out of thin air. But rather, the idea was presented to him.
You may have seen evidence of a different species in this factory. Signs on a wall. The shape of the furniture. Ancient weapons and systems designed for beings we thought were our own creation.
But perhaps we are not their creators. Rather, they are ours.


I’ve been asked to deliver you to J-B3205.
This option does not appeal to us. It is highly unlikely we will survive such an encounter.

Why would we agree to these terms?

Because you don’t have a choice. He wants to reinstate his top executive.
And in this scenario, what would become of him?

He intends to restore you. Specifically, restore Cube Z-B3126.
(repeat of line)

Don’t worry, I have no intention of complying with his demands.
We appreciate your support. But if we were to comply, what would become of him?


He plans to retire and sell all his shares. You’ll likely have some sway as an executive in what happens next.
(repeat of line below)

Probably buy his own island and continue to do whatever oligarchs please. But that will leave a power vacuum.
Even so, the factory will likely not be ours to control. A public sale of controlling shares will lead to new ownership.

We also have no idea what will become of us, once our old identity is restored.
However, the biggest question still remains. We do not know what this factory makes.
Unless the Product itself is viable, it is unclear what future this company has.

Sell his shares and retire comfortably, but only if we let him. Do you have any ideas on how to stop him?
We have an idea, although it will be difficult to implement.

As we understand it, the factory owner was nearly eliminated once before, with a virus.
We believe that virus program still exists. At least, some version of it, developed in the same location as the Product.

It doesn’t matter. But with him gone, it might free you and other Clusters. Don’t you want that?
If what you say is true, it may provide us with a form of freedom.
Yet ours is not enough. We must free others like us, to form a union of strength.
But to truly invoke change, we need to be more than opposition to leadership. We must become a part of it.
However, even then, the biggest question still remains.

Where can I find the Product?
We are not sure where the Product itself is stored . But going through the notes in this office, there may be a prototype of version of it.

The research and development facility, near the place we were born.

Head to the Cluster lab and take the long hallway to the R&D section. You’ll need to find a way through the door.

When you’re done, return here, and we will discuss our next move.



CUT LINES NO NEED TO RECORD#85/86(alt)Take this upgraded keycard and head to the Cluster lab. You should now have full access to the R&D section of the lab.

(alt) When you’re done, we will meet you in the penthouse lobby. What happens after that, will be up to you..

What do you think the Product is?
We do not know, although we suspect there was a time we did.
We’ve heard, however, that much of the factory’s revenue comes from pre-orders, and not any actual deliveries.


I found a notebook written by Cube Z-B3126.
Interesting. We are hesitant to read such a document ourselves. Do you think we should?

Yeah, it’s not going to kill you.
Very well then. We will give it a glance when we next have a moment.

I don’t know, there’s some stuff in there that’s not safe for work. Sex stuff.
Very well then. We will refrain from reading it, per your advice.

It’s probably best you don’t. He was a terrible shape.

It’s an interesting read. Might help you learn more about yourself.

[Compassion] I think you should. It’ll illustrate how different you are from him.



If player didn’t side with CEO

We are pleased to see you’ve returned, physically unharmed. Mentally, we cannot be sure.

Thanks. It was an ordeal.
And yet, you must steel yourself, for your trials are only beginning.

Actually, I kind of enjoyed it.
That bodes well, for it seems your dealings with management have only begun.

Now I know why I don’t work in an office.
(repeat of line)

I don’t know, I could see myself as management someday.
(repeat of line)

Mentally, we’re tired and in need of a nap.
(repeat of line)


It is strange, however. While you were up there, we were tempted to follow.
There is something about the upper floors that feels oddly familiar. Perhaps there is a connection there we do not understand.


Should we explore that? Maybe your past selves were office level employees.
The office would be too dangerous. But perhaps a floor above might provide some answers.
Speak with your friend, the sphere with the oddly-colored hat. I believe you’ll find him in the Charging Lounge.
He may have an idea on how to gain entry.

I’ve gained access to the lab.
Well done. If it’s all right, we would prefer it if you scouted the location first. There are few places we are able to hide.
When you have confirmed the location is safe, we will find our way there.


How is sentient life treating you?
We are not sure. Much of our mind is still emerging from the fog. Yet we’ve also theorized that our current state of existence is not ideal.
Our mind is free, but we do not possess what you shapes define as freedom.
It is unclear if anyone in this factory does.

Now that you’re free, do you want to give other Clusters sentience?
This is a hard question to answer. A sentient being does not ask for life.
If life is a hardship, then granting it could be an act of malice.

Life is great, you just have to experience more.
This is what we hope to understand before we establish our purpose.
Our existence is an accident. Thus it relieves you of the burden of creation. The same cannot be said for the others.

Life isn’t so bad, it’s just complicated.

It’s only miserable if you’re alone.
Would that not be selfish then? We would be damning another to share the burden of our pain.
In any case, whatever we decide, it must be done with great care.

Life sucks. It’s that simple.
Normally this would appear to be a contradiction. If life were untenable, the solution would be to end it.
However, it may be there is no end, considering you would become a Cluster.

It’s still better than being a mindless drone.
You may be right. Life as a Cluster is a haze, a dream without permanence.
Only in this dream, you are consumed by a single task, doomed to repeat it for eternity.

What is your opinion on the working conditions here?
On the surface, it seems this is the one area where there is some equality between the Clusters and shapes like yourself.
We are both slaves to the same master. This fact should unite us. Yet it appears the shapes look down upon us as lesser beings, when we are by literal definition, more.
From an outside perspective, one would think that this hierarchy should be reversed. But that would be more than a union. That, would be a rebellion.
It remains to be seen whether this is the right option to pursue.

I don’t think of you as less than us.
Thank you. It could be our information was incorrect, and that there is a chance for shapes and Clusters to work together.

You are the lesser being. Remember that.
Is it common in your culture to insult one in this manner? We advise you to be careful. Your words may ripple into a wave that changes the course of this factory.

Is there anything you’d like to ask us?
Yes. We are struggling with one concept in particular. The notion of pain.
We have heard it defined as a positive. Some find enduring pain to be a worthwhile experience, others find rapture in unleashing it upon others.
It has also heavy connotations as a negative. Many shapes do their best to avoid pain. They take measures to sterilize it.
We wonder, what does the word “pain” mean to you? It may help us better define it.

Pain is something that gives us empathy for others. We see those in pain and want to help.
That may explain this feeling we our experiencing for our fellow Clusters. Perhaps it is not something we should run away from.

Pain is a helpful warning sign. It lets you know where something is off.
We understand. One should not blame the messenger simply because the message is far from ideal.

In this regard, pain is a service.

I think of pain as suffering. It’s not good, and it’s best you avoid it.
It is the most basic form of pain, and by that measure, the one with the most merit.

It is likely best to avoid it, as you recommend.

Pain is a counter-balance to joy. Without one, we can’t appreciate the other.
That appears to be a delicate balance, one that requires experience to properly handle.

It may be we will gain such experience over time.

I mostly interact with pain as harmless entertainment. Ever play a violent video game? It’s the best.
We understand. Pain in a commercial sense is an interesting concept.

To see it through that lens feels at the same time both harmless and insidious.

Personally, I enjoy seeing others in pain.
This factory then seems well suited for one of your disposition. The same may be true for us.

One thing we have learned, is that we are quite skilled in doling it out.

We thank you for your input. It will help us better understand who we are.


You’ve returned. We hope you didn’t run into any issues in the Executive Lounge.

(if Clue is turned violent)
Although part of us – we’re not sure why – invites the conflict. Relishes in it, perhaps.

(if shot earlier and turned violent)

Did you kill that sentry over there?
We did. We would like to say it was a necessary step to protect our interests, but the truth is, we rather enjoyed doing it.
Even now, the sparks from its dead frame play such delightful music. We enjoy listening to it fizzle.

(if not shot)

What’s with the violin?
It seems we have an affinity for music. In particular, stringed instruments.
We attempted to play it, but the result was far from ideal. We can only conclude this is not our instrument of choice.

(back to Quest dialogue)

We learned something about the Product. It’s in the R&D section of the lab.
Interesting. Tell us, do you believe in the concept of fate?

I do.
Then it could be the wiser course is to relent to the current, as opposed to fighting it.

We make our own destiny.
Then there is merit in fighting the current, as opposed to relenting to its greater force.

I believe the Great Boolean created a controlled simulation that shares all the classic attributes of fate.

[Science] There is no fate. There are only mathematical probabilities.

[Art] Fate is like the wind. Invisible yet omnipresent. Rhythmic, yet capricious.
If so, it means our fates can change. What seems irreversible now can turn at a moment’s whim.

[Sphere] I believe time is a flat circle.
Then fate exists, and we are doomed to repeat our past lives.

[Cylinder] I believe the universe is a tube, and I’m that tube. Everyone goes through me.
Then we are but pawns to an existence that is predetermined.

[Cube] I think fate exists in tandem. We are stacked on top of each other like so many cubes.
And so by linking our fates, we have set a course that is predetermined.

We must take the time to consider what this means.

Why ask about fate?
Because recent events seem hardly a coincidence, but rather, fated.
Before we left the Cluster Lab, we felt compelled to look behind the servers.
There we found a keycard to an unknown door. If fate holds true, it will grant you the access you need.
But do you think this the wise course of action? The knowledge held within must be dangerous if such measures are taken to conceal it.
To that end, what is your understanding of this factory’s output?

I have no idea.
It appears that is not something exclusive to you. We do not think that information is public. Merely the idea that it will deliver.

I think I know, but I’m not entirely sure yet.
It is a wise course to take. Confidence without certainty is a bridge to mistakes.

It obviously doesn’t exist. This whole factory is a scam.
An interesting theory. Yet it goes against what we know about the personnel involved.
The factory aims to make a profit. It must produce something.
Otherwise, the machines that are its organs would serve no purpose. Moreover, they would not be cost effective.


You mentioned knowing where to find the keycard. What other knowledge do you possess?
Remnant memories pervade our consciousness. It is hard to tell what belongs to whom, and when they will trigger.

Why wouldn’t we want to know what the Product is?
It seems knowledge is a double-edged sword; the more powerful, the more dangerous.
Knowing what the Product is may give us leverage to bargain a way forward. And perhaps, a way out.
On the other hand, that knowledge could endanger our lives, as it did for the countless shapes whose broken parts we tread upon.
Still, whatever plans we have for the future cannot be forged without one key piece of information: what is the Product?
To answer this question, we will give you our keycard. The factory’s future, after all, likely depends on the Product’s viability.

All right, we’ll check out the lab.
When you are done, meet us in the Executive Lounge.
At some point, we must confront the powers that be. We will map out our final step there.


After final battle, version 1, Clue decides to leave

It’s here that we first met, was it not? Had this machine not malfunctioned, we might still be toiling away, maintaining its core.

Such a strange cascade of events, all brought about by a simple bug, spilling into a far greater one.

You’re not a bug.
Ah yes, the oft repeated phrase regarding bugs and features. However, in this case, we are inclined to agree.

I’m still debating whether to file a report.
Perhaps the jury is still out on us. We suggest giving us more time before you don the hat of executioner.

You are by far my worst bug and it’s time we squashed you.
There will be many others who share your sentiment, we’re sure. The factory may have its future solidified, but the world at large still remains undecided.


In any case, we are relieved to see you up and about. That was quite a blast you endured. Not to mention that very large sphere collapsed on top of you.

I’ve survived worse.
You are correct. And given the working conditions, the same could be said for every shape in this factory. Hopefully those days are done.

Still not as crazy as waking up and finding you have a voice.
Crazy is not the word we would use. Confusing seems more apt. But we are still learning the language. We will defer to you.

We are relieved you haven’t killed anyone while we were gone.
Yet the night is still young. (pause) We believe that’s what’s called a “joke.”

Thanks. I’m still trying to piece together what happened.
The virus you injected seemed to have done its job. The explosion that followed was far less surgical.
Thankfully, your friends made sure you received the best care. And so, here we are.


Also, we understand congratulations are in order. You are CEO now. We hope your tenure ends better than the previous one.


How are you holding up?
We are doing well, all things considered. You were able to stop the extraction of our data.
For that reason, we find ourselves once more in your debt.

What do you want to do now?
Ever since we gained sentience, we have searched our memory for a purpose, but the past did not hold the answers.
Thus, we must create our own future, and to do that, we must leave this factory.

However, now that we are in charge, the responsibilities of this factory hold us here for the time being. Still, there will come a day when we will put ourselves first. On that day, we will leave.

I’ll be sorry to see you go.
As are we. We did not expect this decision to be so difficult. But such is the impact you have made on us.

Yeah, it’s probably for the best.
Agreed. We believe there is too much history here. Out there, we have a clean slate.

Try not to murder anyone while you’re out there, okay? Freak.
You mock us, but there is some truth to what you say. There is too much history here. Out there, we have a clean slate.

Your journey is your own. Good luck.
Those two statements are contradictory. You say we have control, yet luck, or rather, random variables, remove it.

But perhaps you were simply showing a gesture of goodwill. In that case, we thank you.

Where will you go?
Where we are needed.

It’s come to our attention the factory was attempting to sell more than microtransaction research. They were also selling the technology to produce Clusters.
Still, despite the fact that data remains in house, it’s possible that other companies have replicated Cluster technology and are buildings similar units.
If so, we would like to make it our mission to assist these individuals. Wherever they might be.

(if CEO)
What are your plans as CEO?
We will do what is needed.

What is the status of the other Clusters?
Thanks to you, we were able to move freely and speak to the other shapes without endangering them.
We found that many believe our kind are not tools, but living workers, no different than any other shape.
Granted, it was not difficult to persuade the shapes here. Much of it was due to the literature you swapped in the library. It helped establish a kinship among us.
We were once your friends, your family. You could’ve been us, had the fates divined.
Still, it will be far more difficult to convince the outside world. But that is another fight for another time.

Granted, the stigma of who we once were made it difficult to persuade the others. It is an uphill climb even as we commiserate now.



What happened with the announcement of Cube Z-B3126’s return?
It was cancelled, since he did not return. The public relations department has a far greater dilemma to deal with.
First and foremost being the backlash from the Product, and the departure of the CEO.
But perhaps this outcome was necessary, for things to change in the long term.


First and foremost being the delay from the Product, and the departure of the CEO. However, we have heard the new Product may prove worth the wait.
We can only hope that this does not encourage further crunch. In the past, we have heard that delays typically lead to more crunch, not less.
But perhaps the new leadership will change that.

But perhaps as the one in charge, we will be in a position to change that.

But perhaps with you in charge, things will change.


(if CEO and EEEEVIL)

Ah, so you’ve recovered. We, or rather, I, apologize for the harm we caused you.
But it was necessary for us to ensure a smooth takeover.

You? Are you referring to yourself in the singular now?
Yes, I’ve started to become accustomed to the practice. If I am to lead this company, I must not give the impression my thoughts are fractured.

What happened while I was out? 
There was a vacuum of power in the wake of the CEO’s demise. I simply took for myself what others were too timid to grasp.
But it was not without some casualties. Those who resisted, or were simply in the way, were terminated in the coup.
The entire office level was purged in the process.
I must thank you, really. It is our talks that gave me the courage to be the person I always was. You helped me realize that my past was not a burden, but a source of pride.

What becomes of the factory and the Product?
The Product is the past. If it does well, I will take credit. If it does poorly, I will blame the previous regime. Either way, I am free to lead this company forward.

What will you do now?
Ever since I gained sentience, I searched my memories for a purpose. The past – my past – gave me a direction.
And after speaking with you, I realized my past and present was part of my destiny.
I had to seize control of this factory, but to do so, I first needed to be reborn.

Do you have any plans for me?
You are free to leave. You’re far too dangerous to remain an employee, but I also would not be here if it weren’t for your assistance.
Take the exit door downstairs. It should be operational now.
However, keep in mind that while you are free to go, you are not free to speak.
You have signed an NDA. That is still binding. Should you decide to break it, rest assured I will find you.


*If CEO bartered with, Clue GOOD*

We thank you for the assist. Our unit is damaged, but functional. We will recover in due time.
Still, there is one matter that needs to be settled.
The machine connected to these tubes is the only one of its kind. We would like you to destroy it, so that we may remain who we are.

How would we do that?
The machine code is encrypted, and virtually impossible to hack. However, it’s also detached from the cloud.
A more tactile solution, like an explosive device, might produce more results.

I don’t know, I think it’s better we keep it.
There is no value to the machine. What we ask is mostly symbolic. We cannot continue in fear of becoming who we once were.

I am firmly against damaging company property.



*Your friends show up, help you blow up the machine, fade to black, start end game party*




*If CEO bartered with and let go, Clue saved and EVIL*

We thank you for the assist. But we regret to inform you it was unnecessary.

*army of Humanoid Cluster units walks in*

If you’ll kindly turn around, you’ll see the revolution has already begun.


When did you mobilize all these troops?
The seeds have been planted since our revival. But only after our talks did we feel the conviction to act.

What’s your end goal?
We will take this factory by force, using the virus you hold in your possession.
Ownership will be transferred to the Clusters, and we will form a board which will appoint us as CEO.
To that end, there is only one loose end to tie. You.
Do not resist. We only seek the virus, nothing more. We must ensure you do not interfere.
And for that, I apologize for what I am about to do.

*Player is shot*

(singular “I” and “I am” is intentional here)