
By Ylldra, the rot’s taken this one too.

The rot?
It’s a disease that affects plants to the south. Something about the fog’s moisture makes them go bad.

Good. I hated that tree.
Nothing to celebrate. The rot’s a foul thing. Has something to do with the fog’s moisture. Makes the plants go bad.

That’s a shame. Every tree is precious.
True. But the rot doesn’t care. Something sits in the fog long enough, it’ll catch it.

This rot sounds dangerous.
Yeah, seems to kill plants that sit in the fog too long. Of course, plants are food, so it may come for us too.

Lately it’s crept further and further north. I’m worried it’ll spread to my farm.
Sorry. I realize you’re new. Don’t mean to unload my worries on you.

No apology necessary. Unload away.
Thanks. Hard to give the Stranded a good welcome when things are like this.
The rest of town isn’t too worried though. I guess they can always eat fish.

Yes, I deserve a proper welcome. With music and dancing.
Can’t help you there. But the inn’s got music. Bard can’t sing, but he can play.

True, I didn’t ask for your worries. You should feel ashamed.
Ha, right. I’ll pray to the gods for your forgiveness.

It’s no big deal. I may even be able to help.
Appreciate the offer, but get settled in first. They’ll be plenty of time to discuss things later.

How do you know when the rot takes something?
There’s a dew you find on the dead. Only comes with the fog. Tends to spread where Ylldra’s magic is weak.


You mentioned Ylldra.
Founded the town. They say her magic protects the village from the rot.
Don’t know if that’s true. Not a mage. But the soil here is fertile. You go south, not so much.
Crops wither, plants die. Some think the fog steals your memories, others say it turns people mad. Just a theory though. No one dumb enough to test it.


What brought you to this village?
Used to have a farm near Winterhold. Liked the challenge of growing crops that far north.
But my wife didn’t like the cold. Met a stranger who told me about this island. Gave me a token.
We took the ferry and came here.

How’s the weather here?
Not too bad. Mild, most days. Can’t say the same for outside the village. The fog is thick. And with it, comes the rot.

Have you ever considered leaving?
No, although not entirely up to me. Happy wife, happy life.

How does one get a token?
Tokens are earned. But no one really knows how. They say a heroic deed, but that doesn’t really mean anything.

I want to go back to my other questions.
All right.


In the south, the rot is everywhere. Be mindful when you cross the divide.

Heard there’s Stranded living in the west. Can’t grow crops. Must live like hunters do.

Not opposed to Kurikki having a pet. But a skeever is a rodent. And rodents carry disease.

As a farmer, I always prepare for the worst. Crops are unpredictable. Weather, more so.

Heard you got a home on the coast. Our home took some fixing up too. Granted, it at least had a roof.

The fog seems to be moving. Something’s changed.

There’s a cave behind the village that might make a good mine, but the Elder wants us to leave it be.

Post-Quest, if saved

Love, is that really you?

I think so. Best I can tell.

This is so strange. But, you’re alive, and that’s all that matters.


I’m not sure what happened. I was here, but not here, if that makes sense.
But things seem to be better now. And the rot seems to have drawn back behind the divide.

Do you remember anything from your time as a ghost?
Bits and pieces. Like dreaming. Sounds of the sea, and a voice in the fog.
At the time, extremely vivid. But when you wake up, just a blur.

Scene with Riksanne
How are the crops faring, love?

Looks like the harvest will be smaller this season.

That’s not good. Well, on the bright side, it’ll be better for your back!


Scene with Riksanne

Hon, what are you thinking for dinner tonight?

Is it my turn to cook?

I think so. I did make you that amazing clam chowder last night.

Funny, I thought it was the Gourmet who made that.

Oh love, flatter all you want, it’s not going to get you out of cooking tonight.

Scene with Riksanne

Are you happy, love?

Of course. Why do you ask?

I worry that you miss Skyrim.

Are we talking about the same Skyrim? The iceberg full of monsters and angry Nords? No, I don’t miss it at all.


Scene with Rolggi

What kind of toys do you sell here?

Boys? I don’t sell boys! Besides, isn’t your wife pregnant? Why in Ylldra’s name would you want to buy one?

Not boys, Rolggi. Toys. And she isn’t pregnant yet. But if we’re lucky, I’d like to have something for the crib.

Toys? Well, that’s different. Maybe Dastri has something I can sell you.

Well, I’d like something that will last long, but doesn’t have small pieces or things you can swallow.

What about an axe? You can’t swallow an axe! Not without some effort.





Welcome to Ylldraheim, Stranded.
My name’s Inska. I’m the guard around here. You obey the law, we get along. You don’t, and I take your head.

Aye, that’s what we call the fresh meat around here. Pretty much everyone here was stranded at one point or another.
But you earn you way, plant your roots, and become part of the clan.
If you don’t, you die, simple as that.

Anywhere I shouldn’t go?
Don’t venture too far south. Once you reach the Dead River, you’d do well to turn around. Foul beasts and spirits roam the woods on the other side.

The Dead River?
Some call it the divide. It’s a crack in the ground where the river used to flow.
Over the years it’s mostly filled in, but you can still see the line.
Legend has it the when the water dried up, it formed the fog that hovers over the hills.
If the monsters weren’t bad enough, the fog is so thick you can barely breathe. Best you stay away.

Is it true I can’t leave?
If you’re fresh meat, yes. Anyone who wants to leave needs a token for the ferryman.
And only those who’ve performed a heroic deed can earn one.
It’s a rule set down by Saint Ylldra when she founded the village. And her wisdom guides us to this day.

Where should I go first?
Every newcomer must first speak with the Elder. You’ll find her at the house at the west end of the village, near the base of the mountain.

What can you tell me about a man named Nifram?
I don’t know the names of the Stranded, and I don’t want to. Probably some milk-drinker who didn’t last the night.

How long have you lived on this island?
All my life. My father was a guardsman, and his father before him. It’s in the blood.

What can you tell me about the shrine?
Ah, you speak of Saint Ylldra. Long ago, she gave her life to save this village.
One day I hope I have the chance to repay that debt with my own life.

What can you tell me about this sword?
That looks suspiciously like Sorrow’s Bane. But that would mean you robbed the grave of my ancestor.
And I don’t think you’d be so foolish as to admit such a thing to me.

As it turns out, I am that foolish.
Well, at least you’re honest. Listen to that feeling and put the sword back where it belongs.
Anyways, I realize that you’re new here, and our customs are foreign.
Here. This book might help you get a little culture.

I found this sword on the ground.
That’s a lie. I may have been born at night, but not last night.
It’s a replica, isn’t it. I’d bet a thousand septims Neimos sold it to you.
Well, it’s not your fault you’re a pawn in his schemes. And since you’re new, I’m going to cut you some slack.
Here. Read this. If you’re going to carry that sword around, at least learn a bit of its history.

I bought the sword at the smith.


Don’t worry about where I got it.
I’m pretty sure I know exactly where you got it. And where it comes from.



I don’t trust Neimos. His backstory doesn’t track. And his goods are highly suspicious.

They say Captain Venrik stays in his room all day. Well, it’s not against the law to be strange.

Ylldi’s more trouble than she’s worth. That woman is a bloody hyena, best to leave her in the wild.

I heard you’ve got a home now. That’s a good step. Another year or two here and you might earn your place.

There’s been talk about you crossing the divide. Well, you can do whatever you like out there, but here, you obey the law.

It’s good to be back. I better not find out you committed any crimes while I was gone.

The tomb to the south belonged to my ancestor. They say she served Ylldra herself, but only after challenging her to a duel.

What is it, Stranded?
If you need wares, try the market stalls. Or better yet, pick up a hammer and make it yourself.



Stay out of the trouble.
By the elders’ wisdom.

misc quest 3

Neimos wanted me to bring him this note.
Is that so. You did well to come to me first.
Hm, according to this, there’s a “usual spot” where he gets his contraband from. I’ll need to follow him next time he leaves the village.
Here. You’ll need to deliver the note as promised. I don’t want him to suspect anything is amiss.
But I’ve tossed in a reward for your trouble.




I’ve got my eye on you, Neimos. I know you’re up to something.

If that’s what you need to tell yourself to stop your aching heart.

What? What are you saying?

Oh, we both know the real reason you come to my shop. And it’s not to look at my wares.

Ugh. You’re disgusting.

You can only lie to yourself for so long.


Inska, you need to pay more attention to threats outside of town.
There’s more to being a guard than catching petty thieves.
You do your job, Brenlen. Don’t tell me how to do mine.


How’s guard duty treating you, my friend?
Same as always. Incredibly tedious and an unimpeachable honor.
Well, Mojari thinks you need to relax more. Sit down, have a drink. You will catch more criminals if you are rested.
That’s where you’re wrong, furball. Unlike your fish, my quarry doesn’t tug at my pants sleeve. I have to stay alert.


Stop right there, criminal scum!
You’ve committed crimes against Ylldraheim and its people. Pay the fine with gold or your life, your choice.

Take me to jail.
I guess you’re smarter than you look.

You caught me. I’ll pay off my bounty. (<CrimeGold> gold)
Fine. I’ll test your mettle another day.

I’m not paying a septim.
Then pay with your blood!


Well, this is a fine mess. Olfar is not going to like this.


Ah! A newcomer! I’m sorry the shop isn’t in a better state. Skratches knocked over some books.


(if already met)


Ah! It’s you!


My pet skeever. He got a little too excited about the cheese I brought him and knocked over an entire shelf of books.


I can help you pick them up.
You will? By Ylldra, I’m really sorry to put you to work like this.


You can just hand the books to me when you’re done.


Well, that’s unfortunate.
It’s fine. I’m sure my brother will be more than happy to help. And maybe build a new bookcase for them while he’s at it.


Sorry, I don’t do manual labor.
Oh, that’s fine. Lucky for us, my brother does.
But since you’re new, I would like you to have this book about our founder, Ylldra.
I give it to every new visitor who comes to our humble village. Ignore the skeever bite marks.


(optional if picked up) But since you’re new, I would like you to keep the book about our founder, Ylldra.



Here’s all the books.

Thank you! It was a short task, but no small thing to help a stranger.
As for your reward, I’d like you to keep the one about our founder, Ylldra.

Thank you! For a second I was worried when you walked out the door with the books, but I’m glad I didn’t call the guard.

(optional if player just leaves without helping)
Sorry about the mess last time. But by Ylldra’s blessing, I managed to clean it up.

Sorry about the mess last time. And don’t worry about the books. You can keep them.


How did you come to this island?
Many of us didn’t come here by choice. Rather, we’re here because the village chose us.
My brother and I have a similar story. We were orphans from the Riften Ratways, who bought passage on a boat.
All we had to pay the fare was a single token a blind man gave my brother when he was but an urchin.
That token brought us here.


What do you have for sale?
Everything you see here.
Ah, so you’re an alchemist then?
Just your everyday potions and ingredients.


How did you learn to mix potions?
When I saw the village had a need, I taught myself. I like to think it’s what Ylldra herself would have done.


Do you know anyone named Nifram?
Now that is a name you rarely hear, but you did well to ask me. Visit Ylldra’s tomb north of town, at the top of the hill, and you will learn more.

I go there often myself to clear my mind. Maybe we will cross paths next time you do.


I want to ask you about your pet.
Well, I was out picking ingredients by the hills, when I heard this scratching noise by a tree.
The poor thing had been attacked by wolves, barely alive, literally scratching and clawing for his life.
I nursed him back to health and set him free, but he followed me back home. Olfar wasn’t happy about it, but I decided to keep him.
I named him Skratches because of how we met, but he does like to scratch things a lot.
Posts, barrels, people…it’s like he knows I’ll come running if he does.




(at the tomb)


I never get tired of hearing the tale of Ylldra. They say she came upon a land barren and wicked.
But through her wisdom and magic, she made the crops grow, and the seas bountiful. She tamed the wilds and calmed the storms.
But most important of all, she brought others to reap the rewards of her work. The Stranded, as they’re called.
They are, in many ways, her children. Orphaned souls searching for a home.
And that is what Ylldraheim is. A home for the lost.

Except I’m not lost.
Perhaps. But often times we do not know we are lost, until we are found. This is what Ylldra reveals to us.

She sounds like an amazing person.
She was. I know this because I can see the fruits of her labor stretch across this village.
She protects us and guides us in ways the Divines never could.
After all, how can a god teach you to stand if they themselves have never fallen?

You worship of her is blasphemous.
We do not think of her as a god. But that is precisely why she is special.
She was not perfect. Like us, she was capable of making mistakes. And for that reason, it makes her life all the more inspiring.

There’s no guarantee she even existed.
Yet she must have, for this village is all the proof one needs. For Ylldra watches over us even now.


I want to know more about Nifram.

Nifram was Saint Ylldra’s court wizard and most trusted adviser.
But he was a selfish man who took advantage of that trust, and betrayed both Ylldra and her people.
When the Saint attempted to expose his wicked heart, he used guile and trickery to turn the village against her.
So to save them, she sacrificed her own life, knowing that in their guilt and sorrow, they would see the truth.


I was told I needed to help him make a choice.
Then you are hundreds of years too late, I’m afraid. And you will find nothing save the bones of a traitor.


Are you sure there’s not another Nifram? Someone with the same name?
Not on this island. To even speak that name is an affront to all of us.


Sounds like my kind of guy.
I hope you jest, for the wicked have no place here. We lost Ylldra as a result of his avarice. It is not a cost we can pay again.


Do any of the Divines hold sway here?
The gods are the gods. They hold their place above us all.
Saint Ylldra is different. We love her the way one loves their mother. We admire her the way one admires a war hero.
Surely that is a feeling you can understand?


I understand it perfectly.
Then we understand each other, and that is a welcome thing.

I don’t understand it, but I respect it.
Thank you. You are new here, so it will take some time to fully understand are ways.

You lost me. You should speak slower and use less words.
I apologize. But I have faith you will learn over time.

I love and admire no one save myself, so no.
Nifram was the same. To love oneself is not a bad thing, but be wary not to fall victim to its darker elements.


That’s all the questions I had.

Very well. And I’m glad you’ve taken an interest in our founder. Not many newcomers do.
And if you’d like to talk more, about Ylldra or anything else, I’m usually in my shop.


Scene at the inn


I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of anyone burying people outside the village.
And whoever wrote this is clearly unstable.


Listen, if I thought they meant the tomb on the hill, then I’d just go get a shovel.
There has to be somewhere else on this island that matches the description.


Well, the source it’s referring to could be the divide. It may be dry now, but the Dead River flowed at one time.
And based on the older maps we have here, there used to be a canyon behind it, and a passage.


Where did the passage lead to?


Sadly, there are no maps from Ylldra’s time.
But based on the descriptions in the stories, I’d venture it would go straight to Hjarskygge. The Heart’s Shade.




What? Is that supposed to mean something?


You need to learn more of the island’s history.


Why should I when I have you?


Ugh. (this is a groan)

(bard enters)


Excuse me, I just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything.


We’re fine, thanks.


(bard leaves, his presence is ostensibly meaningless but important for a reveal later)


So, back to the topic at hand. What in Oblivion is Hjarskygge?


Hjarskygge is where the dark sorcerer Nifram was sealed away after Saint Ylldra’s death.
The village had been blind to his schemes, but her sacrifice awoke them from his spell.
Having lost his control of the people, the coward fled to the ruins of Hjarskygge, to raise an army of the dead.
But rather than fight the mage, Ylldra’s charges sealed the passage between them, forever damning the sorcerer to a coffin of his own making.


I’ve been to this cave while hunting. It’s west, just down river. She’s right about the seal though. Nothing can get in or out.


Well, we should still scout it. See if there’s a way to open it.


I would advise against it. Even if you found a way, opening the door to Hjarskygge sounds extremely dangerous.


Your concern is noted and ignored.



(to player)


I pray you’ll show more caution than Ylldi. That ruin is sealed for a reason.






I love to read. In fact, I’ve read all the Barenziah volumes. Well, except the racy ones.


Are you feeling all right? You don’t look so well.


If you plan on exploring the island, be sure to get Ylldra’s blessing at the shrine. It’ll protect you from the fog.


(if player has blacksmith become the innkeep)
My brother running the inn is going to take some getting used to.


Before he betrayed Saint Ylldra, they say Nifram made his home in lands to the south to study the fog.


It’s best for newcomers to stay inside the village boundaries. It’s not safe out there.


Beyond the divide the lands are treacherous. If you see a river dried up and dead, you should turn back.


I’ve read stories that Saint Ylldra can take the form of a stag, roaming the hills.


They say time can heal all wounds. But you should definitely see me first.


My brother doesn’t like it when I get too close to the forge. He’s not usually so over-protective, but I guess he doesn’t want me affecting his work.




Need something?




What can I do for you?


Take care.


Ylldra’s blessings be upon you.


By Ylldra’s wisdom.


Ylldra watch over you.






Be careful!


Stealing is frowned upon in this village.


Skratches and I both love books. For different reasons, of course.


Scene 1 with brother Olfar

I was thinking you should let me help out with the smithing now and then. You shouldn’t overexert yourself.

I’m fine. You stay clear of the forge. It’s dangerous.


Scene 2 with brother Olfar

I was reading this book the other day on Saint Ylldra.
She really lived a fascinating life. It’s a shame more people don’t know about her.


Personally, I’d rather they not know this island even exists.


True, there’s only so much housing.


And only so much food.


Scene 3 

Do you think in another life, you could’ve been an alchemist, and me a blacksmith?


That’s not how it works. We are what we are. This is my place, the store is yours.

Scene 4

Ylldra watch over you on your patrols, Inska.


Thank you. With her blessing and my blade, no law-breaker on this island stands a chance.

Scene 5

How are things with you?



I’m sorry to hear that. I will pray to Saint Ylldra that things improve.


(alt) That’s good to hear! I will pray to Ylldra for your blessings to continue.

Scene 6

That “pet” of yours did its business on my bed the other day. 


Oh, I’m sorry! Skratches is usually so well behaved. Are you sure you didn’t have a nightmare?


What are you saying?


Oh, nothing. Just thought it was strange.


if revived from ghost state

I don’t know what happened. One moment I was here, and the next I wasn’t.
But whatever it was, I thank Ylldra for returning me to my brother.