Scene with Mojari
What do you mean you don’t know where she is? She said she was going to help me fish!
Not unless the histcarp grew legs and headed north. She had a sword on her back, plain as day.
Damn that girl! She’s going to get herself killed!
Well she couldn’t have gone far. We’re on an island, after all.
As I keep reminding her. In any case, I shouldn’t be talking about it here.
Because in this village, we don’t pass on our troubles to others. At some point, she’s going to have to learn the same.
Where do you think she went off too?
(sigh) Only an oracle would know. Which is why I spoke to the Elder. Hopefully he can send someone to find her.
Damn that girl, always running off.
Are you looking for someone?
Yes, my ward, Ylldi. Damn girl runs off without a care in the world, always neglecting the work.
(if Ylldi found)
Thank you for finding my ward. She could learn a bit of responsibility from you. Divines know I’ve tried to instill it in her.
How did Ylldi become your ward?
Her fool parents left her for dead at the shrine to Ylldra. The Elder gave her the name, and left her in my care.
Now that she’s grown, I feel like a lack of responsibility is in the blood.
I’d go and find her mother, but I doubt she’s still alive. Probably drowned because breathing was too much work.
What can you tell me about the shrine?
I don’t really pay much attention to it. Ylldra and her husband founded the village, but a dead woman isn’t much use to me.
The only thing that keeps us all fed is sweat and hard work, not prayers and spells.
How did you come to the island?
Mojari and I were out fishing when we landed ashore. The fish here are plentiful, so we decided to stay, simple as that.
Tell me about the village.
It’s like any place. You have people who work hard and you have lazy, good for nothings. Hopefully you’re the kind who works hard.
Scene with Inska
Inska, you need to pay more attention to threats outside of town. There’s more to being a guard than catching petty thieves.
You do your job, Brenlen. Don’t tell me how to do mine.
Ylldi returns
How many times have I told you, it’s dangerous to tread that far south!
I don’t see what the big deal is. We got back safe.
That’s not the point. But there’s no use trying to explain it now.
You’re a grown woman, Ylldi. You can make your own decisions. I just hope you stop making stupid ones.
Scene if ylldi is follower
I see you’re with my ward again. I’d ask if you’re staying out of trouble, but the point is moot.
Well, we’re not chopping firewood and gutting fish, if that’s what you’re asking. Which is basically all you do.
My ward, you’re going to need to a new insult. Telling me I work hard only makes you look foolish.
I work hard! Just not at work.
Scene if Lycan is follower
So now you have the Wood Elf doing your errands too. Careful, my ward might get jealous.
She should be. My friend here is a vast improvement.
Knowing Ylldi, I don’t doubt that.
Want my advice? Don’t ever have children.
Work hard, and you’ll have a place here.
There’s plenty of honest work to be had. Only fools like my ward go off adventuring.
The farmers and fisherman, those are the true heroes.
Inska’s a fine warrior, but sometimes she looks for fights that aren’t there.
I once took my boat too far south. And the fog, it sticks to you. Even now I have trouble breathing.
Akshei keeps talking about this rot infesting the plant life. But if I see a dead tree, I just turn it into kindling. You make do with what you have.
You wake up early and you can catch the sunrise over the docks.
Good to see you out here this early.
Ready for a day of hard work?
I’m a firm believer that you can never have too much firewood.
Some people think I chop too much wood, but when winter comes, who are they going to turn to for kindling? Me.
I use the best wood for crafting rowboats. I can survive a bad shelter, but not a bad boat.
When a Stranded can’t hack it in the village, they often flee across the divide. I imagine they don’t make it far before the fog takes them.
You and Ylldi seem to have developed a bond. You can try to be a good influence on her, but it probably won’t take.
What is it?
What do you want?
Scene with Ylldi if quest
I’ve heard rumors you two were leaving the island.
The thought’s crossed my mind.
Well, no need for a long goodbye. Just try to remember what I’ve taught you.
That’s not going to be hard. I’ve been trying to get your voice out of my head for years.
Ha! It doesn’t seem that way.
Never said I listened to it.
quest hellos
If Ylldi stays, she stays. If she goes, she goes. The work goes on.
I don’t know what this nonsense about ghosts is about. I didn’t see anything.
When I hear this talk of ghosts, I think it’s just people looking for any excuse not to work.