Vincent Vincent

> Scripts > Long Term Roles and Projects > Vincent Vincent

need to redo this line, the earlier one might be interpreted as sexual or even rape-y, and the last thing we need is another person accusing us of promoting rape. This way it’s stressed that the important thing to Vincent is the wheel of life.

Circle of life, is what it is. That’s why whenever I kill a man, I don’t feel right until I knock up a girl.

That’s why when I’m not out there killing raiders, I’m in here, making babies.

Should say OUT HERE but says OUT THERE

I hear you. We’re all headed to the same place. Just taking different routes.
(no need to record this line) That’s the thing. We know that karma bill’s coming. Only thing different is how we pay it.
But rest assured, whether it’s out here or down there, no bad deed will go unpunished.

Redeemers is Ruh-dee-mers

The nukes, that was our original sin. And maybe we’re all redeemers, just trying to set things right.

Sounds like Mentos should be Men-tats

All right. And here, have some mentats. Shit makes you smart.

Says “American idea” should be “american Ideal”

Emphasis on the last sentence is off, as in – The real land mines, they’re INSIDE the house – “inside” should be emphasized.

That’s the American ideal. A wife, two kids, a white picket fence, and of course, land mines. To you know, keep out the raiders.
But life ain’t a billboard, bucko. That’s cause the real land mines -they’re inside the house.

Changed the beginning here.

Got any liquor? I think I’m wasted. But I’ll need another shot to confirm.

Says “Whether he got the number,” should be “Where he got the number”

No…what happened? Where are you hit?
Does it matter? Reaper’s…calling collect. Doesn’t make a difference where he got the number.

Always keep your gun loaded and ready. Don’t care if you’re taking a nap or a piss.
You let someone catch you with your pants down, you’re gonna get fucked.


Some people say crows are a bad omen. You see one, and it’s a sign that someone’s gonna die.
You know what else is a bad omen? A hive of angry radscorpions. I’ll take my chances with the crows.