Fallout Person 7 and 8

> Scripts > Open Roles > Fallout Person 7 and 8

Susan, I think I’ve achieved a new scientific breakthrough!


It’s a riff on the cold spray you were working on previously. You know, the topical anesthetic?


Well, I was eating a particularly gamey iguana the other day, when I realized I could still feed myself and mitigate the unpleasant aftertaste by spraying the anesthetic on my tongue.

So you didn’t invent anything. You just took my spray and used it in your mouth.

What I did was increase our customer base. Not everyone is a wandering wastelander. But everyone eats, and the food we eat is terrible.

Hm…I suppose you have a point. Your cooking is awful. As much as I hate to admit it, as far as ideas go Jenkins, that’s not half bad.

But you haven’t heard the most brilliant part. The name. Instead of Med-X, we can market it  as “Fed-X.” And our slogan can be “Well fed, well met.”

I take it back. It’s a terrible idea, and you’re terrible for thinking it.