Jade Script

> Scripts > Open Roles > Jade Script

You could do more for Mara by spreading her word. Follow me.
I suppose anything is better than handing out Dinya’s letters.
All right, if you need me, I’ll follow. You don’t go anywhere dangerous, do you?

“placed next to” sounded off here, changed line. 

They were on a dresser, right next to a bouquet of flowers.

missing line

Mara protect us.
Mara protect you.

Follower Stuff

Oh, an ancient ruin!  Stealing from dead people is okay, right?

A Dwemer city. You’re lucky I came along. I built my reputation on picking Dwarven locks.

That cave looks dark. Are you sure we have enough torches?

By Mara, that’s amazing.  Now I’m glad I came.

Uh oh.  They look dangerous.  Are you sure you want to fight?

Scene with Sadrin

Jade, I was wondering if you could perhaps answer a question for me. A purely intellectual one of course.

Oh boy, here we go again…

I was wondering if you knew the creator of this sculpture of Mara, and whether there was a…mortal inspiration for its contour.

Yes Sadrin, we all know you’re here to ogle the statue. Now either make or donation, or get out.