Settler 27

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 27

words like work, earth, herbs, lures sound British

Oh man. I’m tired, hungry, and I could use some work.

Grilled mirelurk has got to be the tastiest substance on earth. Just slap some butter and herbs on it and you’re in heaven.

Big lures catch big fish.

“anymore” in particular sounds british

I read somewhere when people go fishing, it’s not the fish you want, it’s the peace. Well, maybe in the old world that was true, but not anymore.


old lines

Oh man. I’m tired, hungry, and I could use some work.

Work for me
Thank god. Another hour and I would’ve cooked my own fingers.
A good finger too, one with some meat on it.
Anyways, where do you need me?


I’ve spent all of my life fishing. There was that one week I went hunting, but me and the ocean were on a break.

the “mire” in mirelurk rhymes with tire
Working on a settlement is a nice change of pace. Literally. I spent half the time in a full sprint because of all the mirelurks.

Catching fish is a hobby in the same way a fatman is a gun. It’s way more than that.

I read somewhere when people go fishing, it’s not the fish you want, it’s the peace. Well, maybe in the old world that was true, but not anymore.

My friends call me Bleeding Gums Gary. The first part because my gums are as fat as molerats. The second part because they keep forgetting my name.

My gums bleed so much I drink about a quart of blood every day. Tastes like rusty iron.

First time I saw the ocean, I thought I’d never go thirsty again. Then I drank it.

I prefer knives to guns. Can’t run out of ammo if you’re cutting something up.

Be careful around mirelurk eggs. If any of them wiggle, that means they’re gonna hatch.

yao guai rhymes with cow pie

I once caught a fish as big as a yao guai, swear on mother’s good name. But I always let the big ones go, cause you want them suckers to breed.

tato is tay-toe, like in potato
Seaweed is a staple of any fisherman’s diet. I guess that makes tatos the farmer version of seaweed.

Big lures catch big fish.

I’ve always wondered, why isn’t the water in the sky salty like the ocean? Really makes you think.

The closer your settlement is to the ocean, the faster everything rots. But I’d say it’s worth the view.

I don’t know why people think it’s cold out here. It’s all in their heads, really.

Nothing scares you when you’ve stared a mirelurk queen in the face. Not that I have, mind you. I’m just saying, hypothetically.

Grilled mirelurk has got to be the tastiest substance on earth. Just slap some butter and herbs on it and you’re in heaven.

I never do anything on a full stomach. Can’t charge a battery if you’re draining all the juice.

Growing crops on land ain’t so bad. It’s like fishing in a dirt ocean.

In this world, some people are fish, some people are fisherman, and the rest of ’em are bait.

You ever recruit a settler and think to yourself, that’s the person I’m gonna marry. But then a week later you have the same thought about someone else.

I like to write short stories in my spare time. My next one’s called, “The Old Man and the Sea Monster.”

My pa was a salty old dog. Ended up dying of high blood pressure. But all in all he lived a long life, at least in dog years.

I think I’ll wrote a story about you and this settlement. I’m gonna call it “The Settler King.”

(alt) I’m gonna call it “The Settler Queen.”

Not sure why mutants eat people. Maybe someone just needs to introduce ’em to some ‘lurk and eggs.

Cooking seafood is an art. Not everybody gets it.

Some settlers are nothing more than barnacles. You gotta scrape ’em off or it’ll weight your boat down.

I wonder why people don’t lay eggs. Or maybe they do, and they just lay ’em in their bellies.

I’m not big on wasteland politics. I’m all about carving out my own space and leaving well enough alone.

I used to have a harmonica. I’d get out on my canoe and play it to draw out the fish.
I guess one fish liked it a little too much, cause he jumped out the boat and swallowed it.