Settler 28

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 28

If I don’t find some work soon, I’m gonna be in trouble.

Work for me
Oh wow, work! Just the thing I was looking for! When can I start?


The last eight settlements I worked on had bad leaders.
But you know what they say, ninth times the charm! I mean, I say it all the time!

Someone once told me the third time was the charm, but it turned out they were liars. There was nothing charming about it.

I’m what you call a go-getter. You tell me to get something, and I go.
I guess you probably didn’t need the explanation, but that’s just how dedicated I am.

When you say jump, I don’t just ask how high. I get out the motherlovin’ trampoline.

I’m not big on cursing. Anything you wanna say, you can say it without the expletives.

Need something? Anything? I can do all the things, I just need to know what.

I love Sugar Bombs. And sugar highs! They kind of go hand in hand.

Can we keep pets here? I love pets.

Pet cat, pet dog, pet deathclaw…there’s really no limit to how many animals you can have on a settlement.

You like animals, right? Because if you don’t I’m not sure we can be friends.

Animals can’t speak for themselves, but that’s why I’m here! I’m basically their mouthpiece.

Animals should have all the rights people do. The right to live, the right to vote, the right to cuddle, all that stuff.

Life can throw a lot of curve balls. I’m a fastball hitter myself. Just give it to me straight and it’s out of the park!

Ever since I stopped eating meat, I have more energy, more pep, even my skin is better! You should try it.

Meat’s bad, but so is milk. Pretty much anything that isn’t plant food is bad food.

Do plants feel pain? Jeez, I hope not. Then I couldn’t eat anything.

If people were more like dogs the world would be a better place.

I like to give every settler at least three hugs a day. But I’m still not sure it’s enough.

I heard there was a settlement run entirely by cats. You know what I call that? My next apartment.

I’m not a cat person or a dog person. I’m an everything person.

This one settlement I was on lost all its food. Some of the settlers were saying we should eat the pets! So I opened all the cages and let the animals go free.

I recommend a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. No meat. Meat is bad.

You know who eats meat? Ferals. You know who else eats meat? Mutants. Makes you think, doesn’t it.

I bet raiders would be less violent if we gave them puppies to adopt.

The best medicine for anything is lots and lots of hugs. Antibiotics are a close second though.

On my cheat days I eat nothing but snacks. Snacks for breakfast, snacks for lunch, snacks for dinner.
Although technically I don’t really separate it into meals, I just eat all day long.

I never stop moving. I even shake when I sleep.

I bet if you plugged a battery into me, I could charge up this whole settlement.

I don’t even need a bed. I’m basically a convenient store. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

What do you need boss?

Anything I can do?


How’s it going?

What’s up?