Settler 29

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 29

Hey there handsome.

Hey there gorgeous. Know any place that needs livening up? Because I could use the work.

Work for me
I was hoping you’d ask. Just tell me where you want me honey.


A woman’s dress is like a barbed-wire fence. It should do its job without obstructing the view.

I may doll myself up, but it doesn’t mean I’m not willing to work. I just plan on looking good while doing it.

Beauty is like a gun honey. And a smile is the trigger.

I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. Modesty never got me anywhere, so why let it steer the wheel.

Monogamy is for the birds sugar, and last time I checked, I wasn’t wearing any feathers.

I love flirting with shame. Nothing’s worth doing if you don’t regret it in the morning.

I like to show a little skin, but you’ve always got to leave a little to the imagination.

Every woman has to keep a few secrets. That’s half the fun.

I like getting to know people. If you know what someone wants, the rest is just figuring out if you want to give it to them.

Looking like this doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of work, and a lot of confidence.

Life is too short to wear boring clothes honey. But I bet you’re the type who likes a little flair.

You’re the talk of the town sugar. It’s important to dress the part.

I wouldn’t be caught dead in a vault suit. From what I hear, most people who wear them are.

You ever want a romantic evening for two, I know just the place. Be a shame if it went to waste.

Style is telling everyone who you are, without ever saying a word.

I don’t dress for men. I dress to look good. There’s a difference.

I don’t like to walk, but I do like to strut. And I’ll find just about any excuse to dance.

There’s nothing sexier than a man who can dance.

I’ve been with my fair share of men, and I’ve learned that sex is something you control, but love is never on purpose.

Some women overthink relationships. Men are simple honey. They just want a green light.

I’m a girl who loves her makeup. It’s the armor I wear when I go into battle.

When I grab a man’s heart, I can almost feel it in my palm, and I realize just how helpless they are.

I don’t think I’m a flirt. I just like being myself. It’s not my fault I’m irresistible.

Flirting with people is like a dance. It doesn’t work if the other person keeps stepping on their tongue.

(new/edited stuff)

If you got a second, I’ve got a red dress and a bottle of wine with your name on it sugar.

Let me know if you ever want to loan a dress or two. I’ve got a few that are just your size.

You’ve done a good job with this settlement. I like a leader who’s willing to take charge.

You turn a lot of heads when you’re in town. We’ve got that in common.

Ever try to outrun a feral in high heels? Still easier than a bad date.

It’s hard to find a good dress in the wasteland. Even harder to find someone worth wearing it for.

I never worry about breaking a man’s heart. It’s his pride and ego that’s the fragile thing.



Look who’s back.

Looking good honey.

Hey there.