Settler 33

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 33

I really need to eat. I suppose it’d help if I had a job.

Work for me
You know what, I might just take you up on that offer. Let’s hope we don’t live to regret it.


You know the story of the three little pigs? You’re like the third pig, only instead of bricks you built your house with junk.

I’m not a good liar, I’m just really bad at telling the truth.

I like it when people cry. Unless they’re tears of joy. Then it’s just awkward.

You’re making a name for yourself out in the wastes.
In fact, you’re probably better off not finding your kid, otherwise he’s gonna have to live in your shadow.

(alt if Shaun found) In fact, you were probably better off not finding your kid, now he has to live in your shadow.

Are we really gonna eat all these crops? Maybe we should try growing something that tastes good.

I like to surround myself with morons. It’s good for your self-esteem.

I’m actually pretty religious. The stuff I pray for is mostly self-serving though.

This one time my dad was sick and I prayed for a million caps.
I suppose I could’ve just prayed for a stimpak but I probably wasn’t gonna buy one anyway.

I think one of the settlers said their brother got kidnapped. Or maybe it was their cousin. I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention.

It’s funny when people try hard to impress you, when it’s clear they have no chance to be your companion. It’s kind of pathetic.

This one time I didn’t have any clothes and had to wear a skirt. Luckily I was still manly enough to pull it off.

I’m probably one of the best looking people on this settlement. It’s such a burden being this handsome.

Sometimes raiders will come by all crazy eyed, hopped up on chems and frothing at the mouth. Not that they’re scary or anything, I just worry about their sanity.

My face itches. It’s probably some kind of infectious disease. Lucky you.

I think Power Armor is pretty awesome. Especially if you wear it naked.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a vertibird pilot. Probably because I thought I was above everyone.

I used to wear suits because I thought I looked good in ’em. But then I realized I look good in just about anything.

I wonder if Super Mutants understand the concept of shame. But I guess if they did they’d put on some pants.

Some people say I’m funny. I guess they think I’m being sarcastic when I call them names.

I wonder if there’s other people like you, running around, making settlements, saving the world. Of course there’s nobody else like me.

I wonder if you stabbed your heart with a stimpak, would you die, or would it just keep you on life support while it killed you.

I have a hard time seeing the good in people, mostly because they’re just giant bags of blood and pus.

I bet in a previous life I was a deathclaw. It’s probably where I get my charming demeanor and insatiable bloodlust.