Settler 35

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 35

My real name is Juliet, but my friends call me Ghouliet, for obvious reasons.
Anyways, if you know anyone who needs help on their settlement, let me know.

Work for me
Great! Let me know where you need me.


I knew a guy named Romeo once. His real name was Gary, but he was trying to be romantic.

I’ve never actually been in love. I blame the men.

I don’t want to be a Juliet, but I do want to play her. As an actress, you can be whoever you want, whenever you want.

I almost envy the real Juliet. She actually got to sleep. And sure, she never woke up, but that’s overrated.

Ugh…I got maybe four hours of sleep last night.

The problem is I can’t sleep because I can’t relax. And I can’t relax because I can’t sleep.

I feel like my brain and my body are no longer on speaking terms.

I don’t know how you do it. You just hop in that bed and zonk out. It’s a gift.

Maybe I’m possessed by an evil spirit. I wonder if the doc can do exorcisms.

My life is backwards. I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake.

The thing about my brain is it just doesn’t know how to shut up.

On the bright side, I don’t have any bags under my eyes. One of the perks of not having skin.

I don’t know if it’s like this for all ghouls, but I don’t need to drink a lot of water. I’m basically part cactus.

I like to memorize the labels on everything I eat, like I’m memorizing lines for a play.
Did you know that Nuka Cola has 340 milligrams of sodium per serving?
They always talk about their 17 fruit flavors, but they don’t tell you about the salt.

One thing that helps me sleep is repeating really boring things, like the ingredients for Cram in my head.
It’s salt, water, starch, sugar, and 10 grams of undisclosed meat substance.

Labels can tell you all sorts of things, if you bother to read them.

Since I don’t have any parts to play, sometimes I’ll practice by mimicking the people around me.
I can do a pretty good Magnolia, minus the singing.

One of these days I’m going to start a theater and we’ll do all the classics, with a ghoul twist.
Romeo and Ghouliet, Death of a Smoothskin, you name it.

Tatos is tay-toes
According to some of the stuff I read, warm milk and honey is a good sleep remedy. And here I was trying cold beers and tatos.

I think part of my problem is all the stress I’m under.

The worst part of not being able to sleep is it’s such a waste of time. You’re just lying there like a corpse and then the sun comes up and you have no energy to work.

I’ve still got a little gas in the tank. Not gonna stop working just yet.

I feel good about tonight. I’m gonna fall asleep, have a good dream, and then be ready for the day.

Nnnnnn…so tired…

I need some sleep…

Gotta keep my eyes open…

It’s good to do some vocal exercises every now and then to keep the tongue loose.

Serious Sally sells seashells on the salty seashore. Sorry, just doing some vocal training.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather…