Settlers 25

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settlers 25

I never thought living in the stands would be such a bore. I think it’s time I got back on the field.
Say, do you by chance own a settlement? I’d love to work on one.

Work for me
Wonderful. I’ll head over there right now.


It’s good to keep your settlements tidy. A clean space makes a clear mind.

One of my pet peeves about the wasteland is all the trash. It’s been two hundred years and we still haven’t cleaned up most of the rubble.

I bought a cabernet sauvignon from a trader the other day for only 5 caps!
Sometimes I wonder if they even know what they’re selling.

You can find a lot of good deals trading with the caravans. They’re not the best appraisers when it comes to the finer things.

It’s better to save a cap than spend it. And it’s better to loan a cap than save one.
There’s no greater force in the universe than compound interest.

I wasn’t always wealthy. So don’t worry, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty.

I worked my way into the upper stands, step by step. This is no different.

My parents always struggled to pay the bills. I vowed I wouldn’t suffer the same fate.

There aren’t many secrets to success. At least, not the kind you want to give away for free.

You should put your survival tips in a book. It’d sell much better than the Wasteland Survival Guide, I’m sure.

I didn’t expect working on this settlement to be so nostalgic. It’s a foreign feeling, but a good one.

Part of making a deal is in the presentation. Perception matters. How you look, and how you present yourself, is part of that.

Your appearance tells a story, and you hold the pen.

When making a deal, it’s not about telling someone what they want to hear, but rather, making them listen to what you want to say.

Every now and then the country side of me leaks out. Mostly when we get attacked.

I always found settlement bells to be somewhat amusing. You ring a bell, and we come flocking to it like one of Pavlov’s dogs.

It took a long time to get rid of my old accent for this one. I chose it because it gave me an air of authority I didn’t have otherwise.

I think if I was born in the old world, I would’ve been a theater actor. Or at the very least, a movie one.

Some might think me a fool for leaving the stands, but it’s not the destination that’s important, it’s the journey.

Every so often it’s good to just start over. To strip down and make sure wealth hasn’t made you soft.

We should get this settlement appraised. Real estate was big in the old world, and there’s potential for it now.

Location is everything. No matter how well you build a settlement, its value will be determined by the dirt underneath it.

I’m a competitive person by nature. Whether it’s business or cards, I play to win.

It’s been a long time since I’ve worked under someone. But I feel like you have plenty to teach me.

If you’re going to call someone your superior, it’s important that you respect them. You’ve definitely earned mine.

I don’t think there’s a better settlement than this one, but I like to let the doubt linger. It’s motivating.

Settlements can often become myths. Traders will tell you stories of cities grander than the palaces in Vegas.
But I like that they set the bar high. Let’s work to make this settlement better than the one in their imaginations.

It’s important our settlement has a stable economy. Trade is just as important as food and water.

In a hundred years I can imagine this place as a bustling metropolis, full of businesses, schools, and hospitals.
And it will have all started from these humble beginnings.

Part of what makes settlements thrive is the lack of bureaucracy. It’s the same here as it is in business. You’re the CEO, and you set the agenda.

Good morning to you.

Good afternoon.

Good evening.