
> Scripts > Open Roles > Trapper

Did you know it was the fog that drives people mad? Sure you do, everyone knows that.
But did you know what causes the fog? What makes it angry? What makes it tick? That, you had to be there to see.
You had to stare it in the face, with eyes wide open.

(Island is alive?) You think the island is alive? You’re completely crazy.
The island, the fog, all of it. Just cause it don’t talk to you don’t mean it’s not alive.
The fog’s on you mainlander, whether you see it or not. It’s in the air, it’s in the dirt.
It’s a cold shiver on your skin, but breathe it in, and it’ll stick to your soul like tar.

(Speak English ) You know, you really should just speak plain English.
Don’t matter what you speak. It’s not listening.

What do you mean by that? What’s happened?
The fog happened. Crawled in, like a beast. If you lived here, you’d know it. You’d feel it.

(Back away slowly) Sorry, I must’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere.
Don’t matter which way you go. It surrounds you, mainlander. Parks itself in the cracks between your toes.

(History of the island) What’s the history of this place?
Was a curse put on the island, and it all started with a trapper. Killed the wrong prey. Some say it was the soul of the island itself.
So the island howled, like a grieving dog. And then the fog rode in on an autumn wind, gnashing its teeth, smelling of death.
Won’t stop until every last trapper’s gone mad or dead.

(Why out here) What are you doing out here?
I’m a trapper. Only know one way to live. And if the fog’s gonna take me, it’ll be with my harpoon in its gut.

(Leaving the island) If it’s that bad, why put up with it? Why not leave?
And go where? There’s a fog over the mainland too, just a different beast. Better to die at the hands of the one you know. To look him in the eye, spit in his face, let him feel your weight.

(About the fog) What’s the fog?
Can’t say for sure. It bites, but doesn’t bark. Eats, but doesn’t sleep. That’s the scary part. Even the trees sleep. But the fog doesn’t rest, doesn’t bleed.

That’s all.
Watch yourself out there, mainlander.

Maybe I can help.
Well, you can’t cheat death, but you can slow it. Like a piece of corn stuck between its teeth. Just gotta hope it forgets to floss.
There’s a plant, grows in the Glowing Grove by the base of dead tree.
Find it, bring it back. We’ll put it in the pot and drink to our health. Whatever’s left of it.


Feel a chill coming on.

Some nights, you can hear the island weep. Other nights, it rages.

Trappers around here don’t hunt. Lost their way when the fog took ’em.

Strong winds mean a storm’s coming. But the fog lies.


You found it. Good. Put it in the pot and let’s make stew.

That’s it. You drink that, and the fog will spit you out like a piece of fish bone.
But beware. Just because you get to hold on to your wits, doesn’t mean everyone else does.
The madness still owns them.