
Memory 1 (hethena and husband)

So Lisra was telling me about her ancestors, and it’s really quite fascinating. You can actually trace her lineage back to the written stories about Saint Ylldra.




It’s funny how oral histories can sometimes be more accurate than written documents.
Although it only works if someone is willing to listen to them. Which you clearly aren’t doing right now.


That’s very nice dear.




Oh, I’m sorry. I just got caught up in this riddle the alchemist wrote me.


Well, it’s not just this time. Lately you don’t seem…present.


I’m here, love. Just help me solve this blasted thing, it’s holding my entire mind prisoner.


Is that your excuse now? This itty-bitty piece of paper has slain the Scourge of Illiac Bay?


It has indeed. But solve it, and I’ll be free to give you all my attention.


So you say.