Disgruntled Pirate

> Scripts > Province Bay > Disgruntled Pirate

How’s that taste?

Like six day old molerat.

You’re not far off. We killed it about four days ago.

This is fucking ridiculous. We need to go on another land raid. Boats just aren’t coming in fast enough.

You know what the captain said. Commonwealth raids are on hold until the war’s over. Until then it’s just trader ships and skiffs.

Minnows, is what that is. He has us fishing for minnows while the whales have all washed up ashore.

Well, he’s the Captain. We have to follow his orders.

And who died and made him king?

Silver, I assume.

Yeah, well, there’s no proof of that. It was just him and Zoe’s father who was with him at the end, and the only man alive to tell the tale is sitting on the throne. The whole thing stinks.

Maybe, but it’s not like things were all peachy when Silver was in charge. The way I see it, any leader of a group of thieving, dirty scoundrels is gonna have a few skeletons lying in his wake.