Ghoul and Jones

> Scripts > Province Bay > Ghoul and Jones

After getting kicked off a boat, player swims to shore, Tanker faction members are on the shore (or the tanker, talking from above) Front and center is a Ghoul with his 2nd in command, Jones

Good job, fish bait! The last time One-Eyed Ben sent us some new recruits, two of them drowned and one of ’em became lurk food.
In fact, Jonesy here bet me 2 to 1 than the lot of you wouldn’t make it.

Guess I owe you 100 caps.

You sure as hell do.
Now I know what you’re all thinking. Another call on the radio promising fortune and glory, and it ends up being just another trap. Well, good news, boys and girls! You’re wrong.
The treasure of Province Bay? That shit’s as real as Jonesy’s bloody gums.
What we’re giving you is a chance to find it.

But first, you’re gonna have to prove you have a place in our crew. You! You wanna stay alive?

Of course, I’d do anything!

Good. I want you to take this gun, and shoot the man next to you.


Go on. Shoot him.

B-but I’m just a scavver. I’ve never killed so much as a bloatfly. 

Jesus Christ.

ghoul shoots him.

You people do realize that this is a job interview, don’t you? The goal of which is to impress the potential employer, not piss him off!

(to player) He’s coming this way. Just sit tight, let me do the talking.

What about you? You have a problem killing too?

No sir, Mr. Ghoul sir, I like killing. Love it, in fact.
But there is one teensy little problem.

Oh? And what’s that?

Well, if you want me to shoot people, you’re gonna have to give me a gun that isn’t filled with blanks.

Heh. Not bad, bait. What’s your name?


Okay, John. What were you back in the Commonwealth? Raider? Scavver?

A cook.

Hahaha! A cook! Well congratulations, you’re a pirate now.

Wait! What about my friend here? If you let me go, you should do the same for her.

(alternate) If you let me go, you should do the same for him.

Why, what does he do?

(alternate) Why, what does she do?

She’s a mechanic. Boats, plumbing, the works. And seeing how much is in disrepair here, you could really use one.

(alternate) He’s a mechanic.

Hmm…doesn’t look like much. But fine. Go to the tanker and report to the quartermaster. You put in the work, and Jack will make sure you get paid.

(to men) All right, show’s over! Everyone back to the tanker!



All right people, we all know there’s a war going on with the pirates to the south. And until they’re dead, no one’s laying a hand on that treasure.
That’s why Calico Jack is offering 50 caps to anyone who brings her the head of a port side pirate. 100 caps if you made ’em suffer first.
And for you budding entrepreneurs? Kill enough port siders, and there’ll be opportunities for better work, and maybe a seat at the Captain’s table.
Make enough caps, and not only will you get a piece of the treasure, but you can buy yourself a ticket off this island, and go back to your boring, messed up lives on the Commonwealth.



if player clicks on ghoul

(with an evil smile) So, how was the swim?
Ah, don’t look at me like that. Wasn’t always like this, bait.
We used to use the radio signal to lure boats, sack the cargo, and kill everyone inside.
But times change. We’re at war. And the most valuable resource on this island is men.

Jack says no one leaves the island. Not until we get Silver’s treasure.
If you want to get back, well, commonwealth’s that way. You’re welcome to try and swim.

You’re free to roam the island. But remember, pretty soon the Tanker gang’s gonna run all of Province Bay, from sea to shining sea.
So when the fighting starts, I suggest, for your sake, you side with the good guys.