
> Scripts > User Scripts > Luke

I’m looking at a more relationship building character. I don’t know if this is possible for Skyrim, maybe with a specialized quest line. Maybe a modder can tell me what I might need to change for it to work.

Luke’s is a dreamy, sweet roll loving, crowd hating, will do anything to please you… as long as you’re nice to him.

I haven’t put any of this into the CreationKit. 

How I’m thinking it will work, DB gains ‘heart points’ with this follower.

As you travel around Skyrim, he’ll have conversation options that will pop up. Depending on how you answer, he will either like it or hate it. If  he liked it, he’ll say something nice. If he didn’t, he’ll banter back, and he may even leave you.

Each heart point conversation will only happen once, with two options. 

At 10+ points, he’ll start to flirt. (Flirt Mode) Be careful. You can lose points. At 0, he’ll dismiss himself and head home. You’ll have to talk to him again to follow you.

After 25+ more points, it’ll unlock a heart conversation, which gives you the ‘let’s just be friends’ or ‘we should commit’ type of thing. (Love Mode or Friend Mode) At Friend Mode, he’ll give just friendly remarks from now on and any option you choose won’t lose points or gain anything. He’ll stay by your side as your friend.

It will also release all of the heart conversations again, so any time you enter a zone he has something to say, he’ll start the conversation again. This time, no matter what you say, it won’t deduct a point. He’s gotten to know you now a bit better, so he’s good with a little back and forth bantering now and again.

After 40+ points in Love Mode, he’ll declare undying love. If you wear Mara’s amulet after that point, it’ll unlock a marriage proposal option. (Vanilla options will probably still apply)

If you marry him, it’ll unlock those heart point conversations, plus bonus conversation. Again, nothing you say will deduct points from that point. You’re free to check out everything he has to say.

If you never take him up on his optional conversations that pop up, he won’t go into flirt/love modes.

Save before you talk to him. Heart point conversations will only appear once. Reload if you pick the wrong option and lose a point. You should be able to tell, because he may sound annoyed, sarcastic or unhappy when he responds.

Optional heart point conversations only unlock as you play the game, explore, travel. Talk to him in different areas to access.


In normal mode, his idle talk and responses (trade, wait, follow me) will be kind of limited in the beginning. The more you interact with him, the more he’ll respond in different ways.


Trying to complete 50-ish heart conversation options to start. I’ve got about twenty finished. Working on the rest. 


Beginning (Standing anywhere, bar, idle inside town somewhere.)

Idle (Standing around and when DB is within range.)

Where is he?

He should have been here by now.


I’ll give him a little more time, but if he isn’t here soon, I’ll have to go without him.


Initiate conversation:

DB: Were you talking to me?

What? Oh. No. Sorry. I was just waiting for someone.


DB: Who?

A friend of mine was supposed to meet me here. Only it’s been a couple of days and he hasn’t shown up and I’m running out of time.


DB: Out of time for what?

There’s a sword that belonged to my family for generations. It was stolen by a bandit.

I’ve finally managed to track it down. There’s a cave not too far from here. I’m going in after it.

My friend was supposed to meet me here and we were going to retrieve it. I don’t know what’s keeping him. I’d have gone alone, but two would be better.


DB: I’ve got some time to kill. I’ll go with you.

Really? Wow. I’ll take you up on that. Thank you. It’s not far.


Conversation Option during Quest or After

DB: Why does this sword mean so much to you?

It belonged to my father. He told me it’s been passed down for generations. He was always big on family lineage.

DB: What happened to your father?

He … died a few years ago. He’d be pretty disappointed if I just gave up on it. It’s why I’m going after it.

At least now I don’t have to go alone.

DB: How did your father die?

I … don’t really know, actually. One day a courier showed up with a note, telling me I was an heir and that he died. No details. I don’t even know where he’s buried.

I thought maybe there was a mistake, but he’s never been back home.


The following is triggered if the above conversation has been completed, but only happens once.


Heart Point Trigger (Once):

Conversation Starter DB: If the sword meant so much, how could you let someone take it from you?

Well, with five bandits holding you up at spell-point, threatening to blow your head off for everything you had, you tend to do what they tell you.

Option A DB: You should have fought them off. You’re a coward for not taking them on.

If sword wasn’t collected yet: *disappointed* (No negative) And gotten myself killed? I guess then I wouldn’t have had to bug you. … Sorry. I… shouldn’t… Let’s just get this sword back.


After sword was retrieved: *a little angry*: (-1 heart point) The next time I’m in the mood for a suicide mission, I’ll consider it. Not everyone around here’s a dragonborn.


Option B DB: It’s amazing you made it out of there alive. It’s brave of you to want to go back for it. (+ heart point)

If sword hasn’t been collected yet: My only hope is that I’m not risking too much of you by helping me retrieve it. Do me a favor, if it looks too dangerous, say so. There’s no point getting it back if we both get killed.

If sword has been collected: *happy* Thank you for saying so. I still feel bad for giving it up… but maybe it was fate. I wouldn’t have run into you if it never happened. It was an amazing adventure.


DB: I need to split up for now. I’ll help you find the sword later.

I was really hoping to get it back before now. But okay, I’ll meet you back in White Run. Maybe you can join me again if you get a chance.


Upon return, he’ll only have “Follow Me” Option.

“We’re finally going? Okay.”


Enter Wrong Cave, idle.


Only happens once, idle.

This is … wait, this is the wrong one. Are you sure we should be here? This isn’t the one I remember.

Enter the right Cave, idle.

*stage whisper* This is it! I remember this. I only went a short way in last time, but I’m very sure this is the place.


At end of retrieval. (+heart point)

Oh, thank you. I was worried there for a minute…

The sword may not look like much, but it belonged to my father. It’s all I’ve got left.

DB: Good thing we retrieved it then.

Yes, good thing. You know, we make a pretty good team. I owe you a big favor after this, trusting me when you barely knew me. If you ever need a companion, let me know.

Option 1

DB:Actually, I could use your help.

Really? Sure! After you helped me, I’ll be happy to tag along.

Option 2

DB: Not right now.

As you wish. Let me know if you change your mind. I should get going, anyway. I should track down my friend. If you ever need me, I’ll be over in White Run.


Quest Relationship Lines (Still working on this.)

Information in a spreadsheet



Initiating dialogue while he isn’t a follower:

Normal Mode:

I was starting to get worried. Haven’t seen you around.

It’s you. Hi. Doing okay?

Been hearing some rumors about you. Is the one about you and the Jarl true?


Flirt Mode:

Oh hey. I was just thinking about you.

Did you brush your hair differently since I last saw you? It looks nice.

Saw a dragon the other day. Thought about you. … Not that I think you look like a dragon. … Never mind.

Hello there. So you didn’t forget about me.


Love Mode

I can’t stand to see you leaving without me. Next time you go out, take me with you.

Don’t go without me, okay?

Sweetie, if you need me to go with you, just say so. I’m yours to command.

Love, if you can stay longer this time, I’ll take any moment I can get.

Is that a new bruise? I swear, every time I see you… I’m going to have to learn a healing spell or two.


Friend Mode (Friendly but above normal)


Hey friend.

Have you been by the market? I could use a new lock pick.

There’s another bandit on the loose somewhere, isn’t there? Or is it a dragon? Don’t tell me. Vampires. Whatever it is, it’s probably horrifying. Maybe I should go with you.

Heading out alone? You don’t have to. I’ll be right behind you if you want me to tag along.

Do you have a moment? Maybe we can head to the pub. Tell me about the adventures you’ve been on.


Marriage Mode (Includes Love mode dialogues, too)

I missed you, sweetie. It’s been too long.

Are you staying longer this time, love?

Don’t be so quick to leave me behind, sweetheart. I miss you every time.


(At home)

You’ve been gone a while. Can you take a break? I’ll go warm up the bed.

It’s you. I was just about to go out looking for you. Did you need something?



(Updated 5/30/2014 – Will update this every time I load more content.)