Moria (Cole R.’s possible romance npc) WIP

> Scripts > User Scripts > Moria (Cole R.'s possible romance npc) WIP

Name: Moria
Race: Imperial
Profession: Healer in Gray Quarter

At first she comes across as cold, saying things like “What do you want?” and “Are you done?”, but as you keep showing interest she begins to sway. However, she has a strange dislike for male characters and will come across as rude to them, but eventually trusting. (Not sure if that would be able to code, but if you can make someone strictly one sexuality I would think it is possible to limit dialogue options to one sex.)

Yes, as she had training in fencing (One Handed) and Restoration magic (“A tending wife should heal all the troubles of her man.” — Her Father)


Hates the racism among the Stormcloaks, yet also doesn’t like the strictness of the Imperials. Opposes the war.
All of this is pretty much open for change, but I’ll state my ideas. Grew up in a very militaristic family, so when she herself refused to marry a high ranking soldier her father forced her into it. Horrified, she attempts to run away, but she doesn’t get far. Unable to fight back against it, she bows her head and marries at a young age. To her luck, shortly after the marriage he is shipped off, as is she, to Skyrim to help in attempt to pacify the Stormcloaks. Their marriage is rocky, and most of the time they do not speak to each other for days or weeks. On one of his patrols his men discover a Stormcloak camp, and they brutally murder everyone there. When the news is presented to the public, they leave out the fact that it consisted of injured men and women with families. Mortified of him, she flees for a second time and is successful. She hides away within Windhelm, as he would never be able to get her from there. She runs a small clinic during the day in the Gray Quarter. She is often a target of racism, being an Imperial draws unwanted attention, thus the cold demeanor towards you.
Other Info:
While married she never had any kids, as she would refuse him on each approach (I think you all know why). She never really liked her husband, but he did seem to listen to her at some times. He could be extremely cold and calculating and was known to violent outbursts.
After befriending her, she will receive a letter alerting her to a group of men searching for her. She says she will be fine and dismisses you. After a day (Or leaving the city and returning), her clinic will be a mess and she is missing. A Dark Elf alerts you to what happened (Either convincing/threatening/paying off them), and you go to locate her. After fighting your way through the group of men you find her, hurt but otherwise fine, and free her. However, as you try to leave a small group of imperials tries to stop you (This should not affect your rating to either faction). You are given the choice to leave without her or fight them. Leave her and you never see her again (Or maybe in solitude, but she will refuse to speak to you.), or save her and take her back to Windhelm. If you are female, then the romance option will be available. If not, then she will thank you for helping her.


“ = her lines. ‘ = PC lines

[Split X.Y.Z] X = Option #. Y = Split # (Inside the option). Z = # of options.

To first locate her you can either stumble upon her at her workplace or get a note from the bartender.

As you approach she is tending an injured person.

“Welcome. One second, *Insert name of patient here* stop scratching at your bandages! You’ll only irritate the wound. Now, how can I help you?”

‘You seem busy.’

“I’m almost always busy. With the war going on tensions are high and that causes people to drink. However, when something goes wrong they generally end up here. I’ve had to deal with more drunken fights than I thought was possible.”

‘Sounds lively.’

“By the way, the name is Moria. Is there anything else you wanted?”

[Split 0.1.6]

(Option 1)

‘What brought you to Windhelm?’

“That’s a long… personal story.”

[Split 1.1.3]

(Option 1)

‘I don’t mean to push.’

“No… It’s alright. Basically, I ran away, and Windhelm was the safest place I could go.”

[Split 1.1.2]

(Option 1)

‘Wait… Are you an… Imperial deserter?’

“What? No! I just- I… left my husband, an Imperial soldier.”

‘I’m sorry, that was personal.’

“No… I needed to tell someone eventually.”

(End Option 1)

(Option 2)

‘Surely there was somewhere better?’

“Yes there were plenty of other places I contemplated, but when you are… abandoning your husband you need to go somewhere he can’t.”

‘Why can’t he come here?’

“He’s… a high ranking Imperial soldier, and has a lot of ‘Influence.’ This was just one of the few places that it doesn’t extend.”

‘Makes sense…’

(End Option 2)

(End Option 1)

(Option 2)

‘Just tell me.’

“I don’t feel comfortable sharing that with a stranger.”

‘Fine then.’

(End Option 2)

(Option 3)

‘Sorry, let’s talk about something else.’

“Thank you.”

(End Option 3)

“Anyways, do you have any other questions?”

            (End Option 1)

(Option 2)

‘Why’d you open a clinic?’

(Option 3)

‘Moria… I like that name.’

(Option 4)

‘Is it just you?’

“Yes. Sometimes Grenna* will come by to help, but it’s mostly me.

‘What about Ambarys?’

“He’s a nice man, but he doesn’t help out. He does let me stay here for only a bit of what I earn.’

[Split 4.1.2]

(Option 1)

‘Sounds like a good deal.’

“It is. I get to keep enough for a little savings and food. Sure it can be tough at times, but I can’t complain.”

(End Option 1)

(Option 2)

‘You’re staying in this… rat hole?’

“Sure the place isn’t as good as Candlehearth, but it’s got a bed and roof. So I don’t have any complaints.”

(End Option 2)

“Do you have any other questions?”

(End Option 4)

(Option 5 – Locked)

(Option 6)

‘I should let you get back to work.’

(End Option 6)


(*Just a simple npc that doesn’t need much more than a few lines of standard text. Will include her lines at the end.)