Fallout 3 Mods: Factory Sealed – Virgil

Here’s Patrick Mahoney, who previously voiced Arelthor in Interesting NPCs, voicing Virgil for the mod Factory Sealed. He done good.

In website news, I’ve also been playing around with new WordPress themes for the dotcom site, but haven’t found one that serves all our various needs better than the one it currently has. If anyone knows of a good one speak now or forever hold your peace. In fact, I’d be willing to buy one if it makes browsing easier.

9 thoughts on “Fallout 3 Mods: Factory Sealed – Virgil

  1. Ha, I debated whether or not to flip the race to Caucasian by I liked him better as an “Asian.” The white version looked less nerdy.

    Granted, in Fallout it’s hard to tell. According to GECK, Cherry is Asian, for instance.

    1. You’re right it really is hard to tell in Fallout games, especially the men. For women I can at least sculpt the nose, brow, and eyes so that it resembles some sort of recognizable ethnicity. It’s a shame Fallout Character Overhaul only effects the player. It’s one of the few mods that I believe nails the different ethnic features humans have.

      1. Yeah, outside of black people, the race option is really there just to give you a different kind of white person. For Virgil, I just liked the way he looked with the “Asian” race setting, so that’s what I went with.

        White and black people probably suit the environment better anyway, since it’s parodying the kind of American stereotype you’d see on TV in the 50’s. On that note, I think seeing Asian and Hispanic people in Fallout 4 is gonna blow my mind.

        1. You should try building Virgil with FCO enabled, I’d love to see how he’d look with actual Asian features.

          Interestingly a lot of Hispanic features are mistaken for Asian, or at least one of the Oceanic races. I’m half Hispanic, half African American myself, and a lot of curious people have mistaken me for Samoan.

  2. It will be interesting to see what Bethesda thinks hispanic features are. Are Spanish people considered “Hispanic” in the States? Because our features have little to do with Colombians or Mexicans but then you put an Italian person next to a Spanish one and sometimes you can only tell who is who by the language they speak.

    I guess the same can be said about Asian people. Maybe a lot of people have a hard time distinguishing between Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc, but for them the differences must be pretty clear in most cases.

    Anyway, just some food for thought.

    1. First lemme say that I’m sorry if I offend, it was never my intention.

      Yes, those who can trace their ancestry back to Spain can choose to identify themselves with the term Hispanic. There is another term for Latin Americans which is Latino that covers most Spanish speaking countries, however due to Spanish colonization of Central and South America the two terms have sort of blurred together. So now it comes down to choice, with the person self-identifying with either their country of birth or their ancestry. There are many “light skinned,” peoples born in Mexico who identify with the term Latino, while on the other side of the spectrum many “tan/brown skinned” peoples born in Spain identify with the term Hispanic.

      One thing I personally noticed about Hispanics and Latinos are their distinctive cheek bones, brow bones, and wider smiles, especially in women. Male faces tend to be on the rectangle side often with rounder cheeks, but not always of course. The one feature that seems to be constant with both men and women are their eyebrows and eyelashes being prominent, thick, dark in color, and “fluttery” for a lack of better term; the eyelashes tend to grow downward and abundantly. When I draw faces I always start with the eyes, and expressive eyebrows. I find these features to be very striking and pretty in my opinion~

  3. Don’t sweat on it, Mouse :)

    I was just voicing my ideas, it wasn’t related to anything that you said in particular. But you are right, there is a lot of confusion and blending on the terms and labels. I just think generalizations are usually bad thing but I also know compromises have to be made, specially when we are talking about game design. We’ll see what Bethesda takes out its hat.

  4. This is awesome! Super happy to be back on board these projects. I too would love to see what an FCO version of this character would look like, but it is always fascinating to me to see how people interpret what voices are best for what faces/emotions etc. My fiance and I just saw “inside out” and realized one of the things that made it so good was that it was perfectly cast, which you can’t really say of a lot of animated films lately.

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