
Encounter Mixwater Mill
Locations Mixwater Mill Workers’ House
Quests Brother and Keeper
Race Breton Gender Female
Level PCĂ—1 Class
RefID XX06608b BaseID XX065B24
Health Levels with PC Magicka Levels with PC
Stamina Levels with PC
Primary Skills Sneak, Light Armor, One-handed, Archery
Morality No Crime Confidence Average
Inventory ChildOutfit01, Potion of Extended Invisibility
Writer Christian Gaughf
Voice Arisen1

Morrigan is a young orphan who was the target of a Dark Brotherhood contract. However, Griffith, the assassin assigned to kill her, chose to spare her life and kill the contractor instead. As a result, the two are on the run from the Brotherhood, and are currently hiding out in Mixwater Mill.

Brother and Keeper
Chasing a lead on the man who murdered Griffith’s parents, Morrigan and Griffith head to the cellar of Nightgate Inn where they are tracked down by the vigilante Raynes.