
Encounter Largashbur
Quests Bite the Hand that Feeds You
Race Orc Gender Male
Level PCĂ—1 (Max: 70) Class CombatSpellsword
RefID XX1bd1fa BaseID XX1BC138
Health Levels with PC Magicka Levels with PC
Stamina Levels with PC
Primary Skills One-handed, Heavy Armor, Destruction, Restoration
Morality Violence Against Enemies Confidence Average
Inventory ArmorBanditCuirass3, ArmorBanditGauntlets, ArmorBanditBoots, SteelWarAxe
Voice Jay Appleyard

Lurgok is an Orc cannibal who believes Malacath speaks to him. As the Orcs were born when Boethiah consumed the god Trinimac, Lurgok believes that to show other races their pain, he must devour them in a similar fashion.