Birds of a Feather

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Birds of a Feather
Quest Giver Misha – The Bird’s Eye
Locations The Bird’s Eye, Frodmar‘s Cottage
Prerequisites None
Related Quests Dravos the Dremora
Enemy Level PC x 1 Class Citizen
Quest ID Hagquest Editor ID 021D094E
NPCs Misha, Frodmar, Bette, Renni, Hag, Dravos
Reward Spell Tome: Summon Dravos

Birds of a Feather is the story about a cowardly witch who dreams of becoming an all-powerful hag. The quest is designed to give the player a choice between aiding an affable but wicked witch and a detestable but otherwise law-abiding family.

The Bird’s Eye
The quest begins at a tower northwest of Steepfall Burrow. and east of Lost Echo Cave. Inside the player will find bandit and witch corpses strewn about. On the roof, a single chair faces the Sea of Ghosts. Sitting in the chair will begin the quest.

– The original tower was broken off in the vanilla game.
– A journal is placed near the top level besides a hag’s corpse, which details a list of ingredients which may be useful later in the quest. 

Misha’s Request
After sitting in the chair, Misha, assuming the player has killed her sisters, will make a few empty threats before running off. At the bottom of the tower, Misha will re-appear and attempt to scare the PC off by conjuring a Dremora Lord. The Dremora, however, is none other than Dravos, the servant of Sanguine residing in Rift Watchtower.

If the player convinces Misha that he/she means no harm, Misha will ask the PC to help her in her quest to become a hagraven. She mentions the need for fresh ingredients, and points the player to a cottage not far from the tower.

Frodmar’s Cottage
The family mentioned by Misha is found in cottage just off the road west of Lost Echo Cave. The player is invited over for dinner, at which point they are exposed to a variety of the family’s superstitions and quirks. Their comments are often prejudiced, uncomfortable, and at times insane, but at no point are any of their actions criminal.

In order to fulfill Misha’s request, the player must poison the stew. Failing or neglecting to do so will result in a separate scene where the family sacrifices a chicken.

– Renni wanders outside if poisoned in order to replace the actor with a dead one, as children cannot be killed via scripts.
– The player has two opportunities to poison the stew, once before sitting at the table, and while Renni is showing off her brother’s skull.

The Hag Ritual
Once the player returns to Misha, they have the choice of providing the family’s body parts or offering alternative ingredients that match the description, specifically a giant’s toe, a human heart, and a charred skeever hide.

At this point Misha, will place the ingredients in the cauldron. However, the ritual will not be complete until further items are added to the broth, the exact order of which is listed in the hag’s journal.

It wears a beak, but they call it a goat. It’s covered in feathers, but it cannot fly. What am I?

In order to successfully transform Misha into a hag, the order must be as follows.
1) Hawk beak
2) Goat hide
3) Hagraven feathers

Regardless of whether the recipe is followed, Misha will provide the player with a spell tome as a reward.

– True to Misha’s word, Dravos won’t fight, but will draw the attention of the player’s foes.

The End of the Ritual
If the recipe is not followed correctly, Misha will be struck by lightning and die. Otherwise, she will complete her transformation and offer additional dialogue to the player. After a user request, the hag will also offer conjuration training as of v2.90 beta.

Birds of a Feather (hagquest)
Stage Information
0 Misha has requested you gather the organs of a nearby family
10 Frodmar’s family enabled, cottage door unlocked
20 PC enters cottage
36 PC poisons stew.
110 Misha is given the right ingredients.
120 Misha is given the wrong ingredients.
180 The player adds the wrong ingredients to the cauldron.
190 The player adds the right ingredients to the cauldron.
210 Misha transforms into a hag.
250 Misha does not survive the ritual.
300 Now a powerful hagraven, Misha goes about her business.

Notes: Stages 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 66, 67, 70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 130, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170, 220 are used to trigger scenes that move the quest along or for other internal check marks.