Gaming T-Shirts


Wandering around Comic-Con International, I found myself at one of the many T-Shirt stands, and several sort of geeky gaming ones jumped out at me.  Yeah, literally, jumped out. (*Cough* “Skyrim”…)

For all those who delight in jokes, webcomics, horror mini’s and other parody material spawned by the ubiquitous comment.  But hey, it IS pretty stale:

GeekGameShirtSkyrimArrow2What do you get when you cross Hello Kitty with Dragonborn in Iron armor?  Oh look, it even has the arrow in the knee… *facepalm*

GeekGameShirtSkyrimFus2To those who don’t like NPCs being essential… tough!!

EssentialI’m sure we’ve all had one like this…  Anyone know what (if any) game landmass this is?


10 thoughts on “Gaming T-Shirts

  1. Nice Anna, these are great. Yeah, the dovahcat at least tries to be cute about it. That first shirt is such a lazy cash grab. Hopefully whoever’s selling them didn’t produce them in bulk.

  2. Kris, you should offer some iNPCs t-shirts!

    I would actually buy one that has Gorr on it and says “Remember, everything’s better bloody!”

    1. Also, this is a fantastic idea. I would just DIE of glee if I went to a con and saw someone wearing a 3DNPC quote on a T-shirt! Let’s do this!!

      Although I can also foresee reasons why not to. Commercializing a free mod with “official” merchandise might be a bit icky.

  3. Fun fact about the first shirt/meme: The guards don’t say “to the knee.” They say “in the knee.”
    It’s been a huge pet peeve of mine. Famous meme, everyone gets it wrong.

    1. Oh my poop. The first two and last one of those would make stellar T-shirts. Especially the first one.

  4. Ronja: yeah I noticed that too and it bugs me as well.

    Octopuss & Kris: Yes! Maybe a compilation of “Remember” from various followers. Ex. “Remember…” as title, then
    Everything’s better bloody…. Gorr
    Keep to the Shadows…. Morndas
    Dibella’s beauty is all around us….. Amalee
    The stars shall always guide us…. Valgus

    Pelzknaeul: OMG those are so adorable!!! little terrified kitty hiding from the dragon :*-(

  5. This is late, and no one will see this probably maybe, but now that I look at that last shirt…it kinda actually looks like Falskaar. Or at least, the pathing reminds me of the flow its main quest, ultimately running in a mangled straight line across the island XD

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