
All right Brennan, enough stalling. You have the money or not?

I’m telling you, he’ll/she’ll be here. With the jewel.

The Great Green Jewel, huh.” This better be worth it.

Player returns with jewel

You mean this old rock? It’s not even real.


Yeah, I’d say it’s worth 50 caps, tops.

Come on, it’s worth more to you than that.
(Success) All right, fine. If it really came off the hand of some old Duchess, then I can bump it up to a 500.

(Fail) No, it’s really not. There’s no way to tell if it’s worth anything. And nobody here cares about some Austrian Duke.

You’re gonna have to do better than that.
I don’t have to do anything. If it isn’t a sack of caps, I don’t have to take it.

(Threaten) We can do this the hard way, if you want.
You got guts kid. But it won’t do any good to make threats.

She’s right. She’s just one of a group of people my brother owes money too. If we kill her, it’ll just make things worse.

Listen to him. The only way this ends is with caps or blood. But not mine.

50 caps? No way.
He’s lucky I’m even giving him that much for this green-colored mood ring.

So that still leaves you about 3000 caps short Brennan.
But I’m not a heartless woman. I’ll give you some time to say goodbye.
Either way, I’ll be back.

if baseball is given to Sophie and passed off as the Jewel (medium speech check required)

Huh. I get that baseball is big around here. But how is this the “great green jewel?” For one, it’s not even green.

Diamond City is built on the ruins of an old baseball field. Look at this paper. This is one of the most famous baseballs ever.

Yeah, but according to this, it wasn’t a Boston player who hit the home run. Nobody cares about two teams from New York.
Around here, this ball isn’t worth more than 500 caps.

Come on, it’s worth more to you than that.
(Success) All right, fine. 1000 caps. Maybe Moe Cronin will be willing to buy it for that much, especially if you include the newspaper.

(Fail) No, it’s really not. There’s maybe two people in all the Commonwealth who even know what a baseball is.

Really? 500 caps? That’s it?
He’s lucky I’m even giving him that much for a piece of cowhide, cork and yarn.

So that leaves you 2500 caps short Brennan.

So that leaves you 2000 caps short Brennan.

if poem gotten (low speech check required)

Hold on, is this the Concord Hymn?

That’s right. It’s a poem about the revolution and the city of Boston.

I know what it is. And I know what it’s worth. In this condition, I’d say it’s about 2500 caps.

Come on, it’s worth more to you than that.
(Success) All right, fine. 2800 caps. Only because I’m feeling generous.

(Fail) No, it’s really not. There’s no way to tell if I can find a buyer. You’re just lucky I’m the type who appreciates a genuine piece of Commonwealth history.

Really? 2500 caps? That’s it?
He’s lucky I’m even giving him that much. In fact, I’m probably the only one here who appreciates its value.

So that leaves you 500 caps short Brennan. Not a lot of money, but from the look on your face, it might be too much.

So that leaves you 200 caps short Brennan.

Post Quest Hellos

You want my advice? Stay away from those boys.

Brennan’s a good kid. His little brother Derrick? More trouble than he’s worth. Granted, he isn’t worth much.

Their old man’s got the sight. I bet he didn’t see this coming.