Found this screenie Inara took for the wiki while looking for Lorne pictures. Here you can see Lorne’s shack, of course, but Lorne himself remains ever illusive. Almost as difficult as finding a courier picture with his clothes on, or Krem sitting in his chair.
On to the news:
- In order to increase site speed, some of you may have noticed some minor tweaks here and there. For example, I’ve limited the blog posts to 4 per page, and reduced the image size of the screenshots. Clicking on the image will send you to the normal size if you want to save them.
- Ronja Monto did a version of “Once We Were” from DAI. It’s very soothing.
She says they’re terrible, methinks this is what you call a “humblebrag.” Just kidding Natalie I love you please respond to my e-mails.
- This news is a bit older, but David Bodtcher did some narration for some Sci-Fan audiobooks a year back. I can’t put my finger on why, but that website template looks familiar.
- By the way, I’m trying to make sure every actor’s name links to their respective home pages, and typing mod names should do the same. So if you type the words SkyUI anywhere on this site, it should link to the respective page. Let me know if there are others you feel should get the same treatment.
Lastly, for a brief instance today I tried using an Adsense footer, and it was the worst thing ever. About an hour into this experiment, one of the advertisements did a redirect to a site called consumernews247.com.
Freaked me out for a second, but once I figured out what was going on I deleted that banner ASAP. Seriously though, what the fuck. Get your shit together, Google. Anyways I think I’ll stick with the one WordAds box for now, should be enough to pay for the hosting re-up in April.