Nuka World Patch Teaser

Fallout4 2016-09-03 22-26-53-96.avi_snapshot_00.04_[2016.09.03_22.34.51]

There’s plenty of reasons why I didn’t make a DLC patch for Interesting NPCs, mostly because I hadn’t played them. In fact, I have a hard time playing much of anything when I can mod stuff instead. I was, however, due to testing reasons, forced to play Nuka World, and I figured I might as well scribble some lines for the companions along the way.

Fallout4 2016-09-03 21-41-20-64.avi_snapshot_00.21_[2016.09.03_22.35.27]

It’s also easier when you only have three companions to deal with as opposed to seven, and even more so when the actors are committed to voicing them. The DLC doesn’t appear to be too long, so the writing should get done rather quickly, but a release depends on how long it takes to get recorded.

I might as well do Far Harbor and Automatron too, but we’ll see how it goes.

Trailers and Teasers – Paradise Bay

Just put this teaser up as a reminder I still need actors for the next quest, Paradise Bay, although oddly enough I just filled 2 spots before I published this blog post. Anyways, without getting too spoilery, just click the casting call button at the top and look for the appropriate link. If you like using the Casting Club Call website, I’ve also made a project there.

As for the trailer, that is the amazing Ginger Roll voicing the radio announcer, you can follow her on Twitter here.