
Please…if you just let us go, we can give you money…anything you want!

Relax. You’re free to go.
I am? Oh god, thank you!

You’re safe, okay. I’m gonna let you go.
You are? I can’t believe it. We’re finally free.

What’s this about money?
Wait, so you’re not with them? Oh thank god!

Why are you so afraid?
(repeat above)

Perhaps you should start from the beginning, my dear. Who are you? Why were you locked in this room?

They were going to sell us to slavers. Put us up for sale like animals. A lot of us, we haven’t seen our families for weeks. We have no idea if they’re even alive.

Do you know who’s responsible for the kidnappings?

It’s different for everyone. For most it was raiders. For me, it was the Railroad.

The Railroad? 

Yeah. I warned my brother not to trust them, but he didn’t listen. He wanted to help them smuggle synths.  But as soon as we let them inside, they set fire to our crops, and put a bullet in my brother’s back.
I barely made it out alive, but I got caught by a raider crew the next day.
I’m still not sure which one of us got the best of it.

I’m sorry for your loss. Perhaps we can make sure it never happens again. Do you by chance know the agent you spoke with?

Nothing save her name. A woman by the name of “Operator.” That much I’ll take to my grave.

Thank you.

(to player)

Well, raiders aren’t a surprise, but the Railroad is another story. We should ask our mutual friend if she knows anything about this “Operator.”

We should see if anyone there knows about this “Operator.”



Thank you again for freeing us.

We’ll find our own way out of the Commonwealth.



Hey guys, what’s up?

We need your help.

(Alternate if Audrey speaks first) It seems, darling, we’re in need of some help.

Specifically, we were wondering if anyone in your group goes by the code name “Operator.”

(Heh is not a laugh, more like a “yeesh” or deep sigh, b/c name brings back awkward/depressing memories)
Heh, now there’s a name you don’t wanna float around HQ.

And why would that be?

Operator used to be a heavy. One of our best. But that was before Chelsea.

What happened at Chelsea?

We had agents, human ones, on that route. There were rumors among the synths here the town had sold us out.
Operator went in with a group of heavies and burned it to the ground.

Oh dear. I imagine the repercussions were swift.

Had to be. Like it or not, we can’t win this war without human help. With Operator, it didn’t matter whose side you were on, or what you stood for, in the end it was them or us.
I’m not saying what we did was right. Who knows what that even means anymore. But it had to be done.

And you’re sure she didn’t get away?

Yeah, I’m sure. I was the one who buried her.

Well, then perhaps she’s risen from the grave. Because someone going by that name recently hijacked one of your packages.

Hm…can’t see how that’s a coincidence. But there’s no way it’s her.

Any idea who it might be?
No idea. Anyone who sided with Operator died at Chelsea. Glory and I made sure of it.

Why do you say that?
Because I was the one who put the bullet in her brain. That’s all the proof I need.

Are you sure?
Like I said, I was there. I saw her die. There’s no coming back from that.

I’m not sure. I’ve seen some strange things.
Yeah, ferals, robobrains…death isn’t what it used to be, that’s for sure.

In any case, we better keep this between us. I’m not entirely sure who we can trust on this.

So what now?

For starters, we should check out Operator’s grave. Dead or not, it’s the only clue we got.

Very well, then I’ll leave you to it.