TFTC – Making Easter Eggs

Here’s an example of the Patreon only content I’ve been putting out the past week, sneak peeks and trailers as well as general CK stuff. I’m going to try and market the page more in general, so I can remove ads from this site as well as get funding for other mod related stuff.

For the 12 or 13 people that played the Fallout 3 bundle, there were a handful of bonus conversations you might not have caught. For example, with one of the companions, taking her to one of the two vanilla grocer buildings would start a little scene where she’d pretend to be the a cashier as the Lone Wanderer bought some groceries.

I plan on doing the same with the Fallout 4 companions, and one obvious place to take advantage of is Amelia’s Espresso. Here’s a little teaser for the next update.

Tales from the Commonwealth – Second Look

If you didn’t catch it at the end of yesterday’s podcast release, here is the second little trailer for the Fallout 4 mod, which I am tentatively calling “Tales from the Commonwealth.” I had considered a few other names that were less generic, but they didn’t really fit. Since this mod is in the spirit of the Fallout 3 bundle with a bunch of ancillary tales, the name is apropos, or appropriate, I can never figure out which word is more appropriate either.

However, I’m keeping this one a single module because like Interesting NPCs, I plan on keeping many of the quests and NPCs interconnected. Ostensibly meaningless NPCs in one quest will come in to play at times for other quests, and companions will interact with each other during swaps.

I’ll probably release in 3 phases, with early June being the release of Companion Audrey and about a dozen quests with similar themes, and then the second companion and set of quests in July, and the third planned phase being the last companion and non-quest NPCs. After that, I’ll just play it by ear. I’ll also try to focus more on the DLC and companion commentary/interjections for modded quests this time around, I know I neglected it with the Skyrims.