Treads-the-Ashes by Numeriku
Here’s a quick update to fix Treads’ dismissal, which was erroneously conditioned to Meresine being in your party. I also went through all the quests and ticked the Allow Reserved box for all NPCs, as recently a user reported problems with aliases filling unless the box was ticked. And if an alias doesn’t fill, then nothing will work, so hopefully ticking all those boxes will help solve any issues on that front.
The BSA is the same this week, as none of the scripts, sound files, or mesh/textures changed from the previous release.
EDIT: Doh, I guess I did add a few scripts after all, at the request of this Reddit user who wanted to kill Froa. Re-uploaded the BSA with the death-causing scripts.
All Fixes and Tweaks from v3.09:
This is version v3.09.2, which features a beta release of a new NPC, Treads-the-Ashes, written by Lindsey Lorraine and voiced by James McLauchlan. You can initiate the encounter by walking along the eastern coast, a few miles north of the Wreck of the Winter War.
I also altered the aliases in Spell it Out for Me so they don’t fill if the target is already dead. Also conditioned the marker on Lagdu and Lurgok not to appear unless they’ve been enabled.
All Fixes and Tweaks from v3.09: